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chapter 007 ━━━━ homework

THE FLUORESCENT LIGHTS flickered overhead, casting a dull glow over the rows of bookshelves in the school library

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THE FLUORESCENT LIGHTS flickered overhead, casting a dull glow over the rows of bookshelves in the school library.

you and Rin sat at a table near the back, textbooks and notebooks spread out in front of you as the two of you were engrossed in the homework.

well, technically engrossed – in reality, you were doing everything but focusing on the homework.

you sighed loudly, slamming your textbook shut with a dramatic sound. "can you believe how utterly mediocre everyone is, Spider? it's like they're all just sleepwalking through life."

Rin glanced up from his notes, his expression as stoic as ever. "including me, i assume?"

you scoffed, rolling your eyes. "of course, including you. if you were even a fraction as remarkable as i am, we might actually get somewhere with this homework."

Rin remained unfazed by your taunts, his poker face firmly in place. "i fail to see how your incessant rambling is helping us make any progress."

you huffed, crossing your arms in frustration. "you're just mad because you know i'm right. admit it, Spider – you're tired of being just another face in the crowd."

"i have no interest in being anything other than myself." he replied calmly, returning his attention to his work.

you couldn't help but feel a pang of irritation at his composed demeanor. "well, maybe you should try it sometime. you might actually learn something."

Rin sighed, closing his textbook with a resigned expression. "this banter isn't getting us any closer to finishing our homework. can we please just focus?"

you eventually opened your textbook once more, determined to make at least some progress on the daunting pile of detention homework.

but as you scanned the pages, your frustration only grew, bubbling over into a continuous stream of grumbles and complaints.

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