Chapter 1-

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Layla's POV:

I look at the clock and it reads 1am. More time just continues to pass every time I close my eyes they just bolt right back open. The nightmares have been horrible recently. During the day I am fine, great even. But, as soon as it gets dark and I close my eyes I'm right back on that cliff begging Kerrie to come back. I remember being so scared that I was going to be the last person ever to see her alive. Although it wasn't me on that cliff I still feel like I am more traumatized. I finally decided to get out of bed and try to get some snacks maybe just until I fell asleep. I quietly walked downstairs to ensure that I didn't wake any of the bakers. I grabbed a glass of milk and sat at the island eating a piece of cake. Suddenly I heard footsteps I turned around and seen a shirtless Jordan. I held my breath as I seen him. I always had a crush on Jordan. But obviously he was off limits as he was Liv's brother, and because he was Simone's boyfriend. 

"Hey, it's late what are you doing up"

"Couldn't sleep the nightmares have been a little bad more recently. But, I'm going to head up soon"

"You shouldn't head up to bed, maybe we can talk about it."

"Isn't Simone waiting for you upstairs"

"She left at around 9, she has a flight to bringstine" 

"These nightmares are just worse than usual. I've had dreams were she actually jumped and I was left to tell the story. And stories where I jumped after her. I just wish I could go back to normal"

"Layla, a traumatic event occurred to you. Give yourself some time to heal. Go to therapy. Talk to your friends. But, nothing about you as ever been normal. You've always been extraordinary"

"Thanks Jordan"

He leaned down and gave me a hug. We stayed there for a while before pulling a part. Then we kind of just stayed there looking in each others eyes. I wanted to kiss him so bad, but I couldn't and then I heard him utter something.

"Gosh your so beautiful"

"Jordan, we can't"

He quickly pulled apart. I looked down. Before going back upstairs. I quickly went into bed. Now I definitely needed to go to sleep. There is no way Jordan and I almost kissed and there's no way I would ever be able to be alone with him again. 

Jordan POV:

Ugh. I can't believe I almost kissed Layla. I don't even know what I was thinking. I'm with Simone or at least was with Simone. When she came over here last night before her flight she came to tell me she couldn't do this anymore. Her feelings for Damon had taken over and she just didn't want to hurt me. I wanted to be sad, or even mad. But, I didn't feel anything I think we both knew it was time. Simone had already felt some way about me spending all of my time with Layla. But, Layla and I were best friends we have been ever since she become friends with Liv. 

But, we had gotten closer after the Kerri. I had been the only person that Layla had opened up to. But, I am also the only person who continued to push her. I had let her yell at me, and cry in my arms. Until she finally cracked and let me in. Seeing  her in such a vulnerable state didn't make me feel like she was weak. No it made me see the strength she actually held. 

I went back upstairs and try to sleep, but all that was on my mind was Layla. 

*Next week

Layla POV:

The whole vortex was at the beach house. We had begun to try to do one thing a month as a group as everyone was becoming more busy. Since the incident in the kitchen I have steered clear from Jordan. Being around him was too tempting. I was on one side of the kitchen, and Jordan was on the other. Ever so often I would feel him look over at me. He knew the game he was playing, but I wouldn't be joining in all of a sudden I heard spence speak up. 

"So jay how are you taking the breakup with Simone?"

"Wait you and Simone broke up" Liv asked concerned

"Yeah, before she left. It was just time. People grow apart."

I then felt him look at me. I got up and walked outside. The air seemed really thick and the room started to get small. As I took a step outside I took a deep breath. I then heard footsteps I turned around and then I seen it was Jordan"

"You okay out here?"

"Yeah, just have a lot on my mind"

"Mhmm, like how me and Simone are broken up"

"Mhmm, more like how you tried to loss me as a rebound" 

All of a sudden Jordan steps forward and grabbed my face. He immediately held my chin and looked into my eyes"

"Layla Keating you could never be a rebound. You have been my dream girl since we were about five. I almost kissed you because I've been wanting to. Not my best timing. But, I promise you I will get my dream girl."

He then dropped my chin and walked away. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03 ⏰

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