A Very Big Thanks!

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Very big, huh? I'm sure that's one of the last things that you would expect, coming from one of the smallest ladies in the world. Having just gotten my measurements from my now-husband, I proudly stand before you at a towering...wait for it...25 inches tall! You know, I almost decided to not do this project at all. But you know what? I almost decided to not do most things in my life. But I always found the strength within to move forward. And if you know anything about me, I never give up on any challenge that you set before me. Run a mile? I will certainly do that! Just know that my mile will take a lot longer than yours. I may be little, but I have BIG goals! One of them is finishing this section and telling you all about my life. Growing up as a little person is not easy, but to let you in on a secret, it's what every one of us can do. My mother always told me that big things come in small packages. And if you have met me, you would know that while I'm the smallest person in the room, I am the biggest person that you have ever met! If you have an attitude, check it in at the door. Outspoken? Yeah. That's what I hear from some of you who know me. Because I can outspeak a crowded room for days on end. Spunky? Yup. I heard that too. I am direct and I will never let you forget about something you have told me. Are you making a commitment? Then you better stick with it because I'm going to keep you to it! And whatever you do, don't defend me. This little woman can defend herself, thank you very much!

So as to not use up any more ink on this page, I would like to thank all of you for supporting me in everything that I do. Believe me. Your support has prevented me from giving up, many times.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my family for supporting me from the day that I took my very first breath. Mom, I would like to thank you for all the long nights and times in the hospital that you spent with me. All of your love, support, and prayers. And dad, I would like to thank you for your warmth, love, and support. For your devotion to instill moral values into your "little girl". All of those teachable life lessons that you teach me every day. The wonderful advice that I always use every day: Always learn something new every day. My, have I learned so much from that, dad! Your teaching me about who made me and what my purpose on this earth is. All of this helped me in my "growing up" (because seriously, have I really grown at all since a year and a half?) from a child to a lovely lady. Thank you very much, dad. Also for all the little moments that you spend with me. Outings, dinners, fishing trips...Everything to enrich the life of your "little girl". You've done well, dad. Thank you. Also Amanda (I know that you're reading this), thank you for being my big sister in more ways than one. Although you're two years older than me, you have opened new worlds and opportunities for me. You played with me when my parents were busy. You took me on your adventures and always found a way to include me. Even now, you support me in all of my ventures. You're even dressing your kids in clothing that I designed! You always encouraged me in my art and things that I didn't think that I could do. You always told me that I could do them, and you wouldn't ever take no for an answer. And because of that, this book is born. So thank you, big sis. I also want to thank you, Alvin. You're the oldest bro that saw it all before me or Amanda. You led the way so that we could both follow in your footsteps. You kept us both in line and told mom and dad on us when we were misbehaving. I love your care and concern for us. Your attention to detail, which I loved so much that I think that it rubbed off on me. Your wonderful brotherly advice that both I and Amanda look at and value. Thank you, Alvin. Now, if you could only get those other two chipmunks. Well, if you count me and my sister, I think you got them! Thank you very much to everyone who bears the Evans name.

Next, I would like to thank all of my friends for supporting me in my goals and dreams. To everyone who has wanted a commission or has ordered any of my products, thank you for supporting me. To anyone who has met me at a CAPcon, you are all the very best littles that I have ever met (isn't littlespace awesome?) To all of my close friends that I have met personally. Sylvia, Gina, Dawn, Cindy, Charlene, you were the very first ones that I met all the way back in kindergarten. You played with me when all of the other kids ignored me. I think that you made me into the most popular kid in class, as EVERYONE wanted to play with me after that. We are all still very good friends, and I enjoy our fun get togethers. Also my close friends in littlespace. BabyRose, LilSparks, BabyBritt, TinyTrish, Meggsies...You were the first ones to show me a way to experience the wonderful comforts that most of us forget when we enter adulthood. The therapy that begins when we let our inner child out. Thank you very much. Also a very special thanks to Jillian and Jennifer (better known as the JJ Diaper Twins). Jill, I was one of the very first people to see you stream when you had virtually no audience. Now, I am one of the lead moderators that trained every one of your new mods, and I'm the one responsible for every one of your wonderful emotes. You have come a long way with building up your stream and brand. I enjoyed watching it explode with popularity when your twin sister came aboard. You especially Jill have been a wonderful inspiration in me deciding to write this. Especially when just your community alone turned the story that you and your sister wrote into a runaway bestseller. This has inspired me to write my story that I will now share with the world as you two have.

Next (and I haven't forgotten about you), I would like to thank my husband Daniel for seeing me for who I really am. Some would have judged me on my outward appearance. But what you saw was my heart, and you captured it. You won my father's approval so that you could have me as long as you are alive. God is surely your judge and he is mine. Thank you also for encouraging me to write this book. Thank you for all the special times that we spend together. All of the courtships and dating that we did before the decision to marry. All of the work that you do in representing those with disabilities is amazing. You could've been any other attorney, but you chose what was closest to your heart. There are a number of other things that I can thank you for, but we will discuss that in private. Thank you, honey for looking out for me and taking care of me. And with you being a Stevens, you "crowned" me with your splendor.

Lastly (and I always save the best for last), I would like to thank God for creating me to be the person that I am. You could've chosen me to be a person of average stature, but you decided to make me into one of the shortest women in the world. You did this to shame both the wise and the strong. And for that very reason, I have placed 1 Corinthians 1:27 in many of the things that I have made to remind others on how you can use what the world calls weak and foolish to shame them. Can such a weak and tiny woman do such great things? Yes. And she can do even greater things if God is guiding her. So yes. Thank you God for making me into the person that I am and to help me accept every part of that. It's not easy considering how everyone else is bigger than me. But you know that I could handle this challenge. So thank you for a loving father, a loving mother, a loving family, loving friends, and a loving husband for none of these good things could even happen if it wasn't for you.

And thank you all for buying this book. I hope that in reading it you will understand my story and the mountains that I climbed to be the woman that I am today.

I love every one of you!

All the very best,

Alyssa Glynnda ("Glytter") Evans Stevens

April 15, 2029

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