"I should be over all the butterflies i'm into you I'm into you!" Sqaishey hummed as she made a cup of tea. Stampy turned on the xbox. While they both chatted Stampy played minecraft and Sqaishey went on her iPhone.
Stampy ran upstairs "just popping to the toilet" he laughedThe ring glistened as he grabbed it from under the draws "This is it" he smiled.
Then he rushed downstairs a silver box with the ring in closed inside his palm.
Sqaishey was on Twitter on her laptop now.Stampy leaped over to the ipod putting how long will I love you on
The music played quietly in the background. Stampy got down on one knee "Bethany Bates will you marry me" he said
"Yes" Sqaishey exclaimed tears in her eyesStampy went out the room and dug his hand in a claires accessories bag revealing the flower crown he brought for Sqaishey, it had yellow flowers on it.
He placed it on her head
"I love you" she whispered as she jumped up on the sofa