𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧 ᅳ 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩

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Fawn banged on the front door, completely out of breath

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Fawn banged on the front door, completely out of breath. She only knew where her sister's house was because she happened to overhear a conversation between Gemma and Jax months ago. Right now she was grateful to have listened back then.

"Give me a damn second!" She heard Sage call from the other side of the door, then a stumble and a quiet curse before the door flew open.

"The hell are you doing here?", the redhead asked, her voice cutting as she eyed Fawn with pure annoyance. "I just put Violet down. Can't you knock like a normal person?"

"Look, I'm sorry", Fawn groaned, just as annoyed. She didn't care that Sage looked tiredᅳ she had to talk to her. "But it's important. Is Happy here?"

"No, he's with dad, apparently club shit. But I don't know how that concerns you either." With her arms crossed, Sage slowly let her gaze wander over Fawn. "What do you want?"

Fawn was relieved when she heard that Happy wasn't home, that was a good thing. "I need your help and this is no joke. I mean itᅳ I need you."

Sage snorted a laugh. "My help? What makes you think I would help you?"

With a roll of her eyes, Fawn unceremoniously pushed the older Trager inside and slammed the door, earning a huff from the redhead. "I screwed up, really screwed up. And I have to get out of Charmingᅳ today."

Sage shifted on her feet, her arms slowly falling to her sides as she frowned skeptically. "What did you do? And again, why do you think I would help you?"

"Because you're my sister, damn it", Fawn uttered desperately as she reached for Sage's arms and looked at her pleadingly. "You have to help me. I need you to get Hayley for me."

"After everything you've done? I don't need a sister like that." Full of anger, Sage pulled her arms out of Fawn's grasp, the corners of her mouth turning downwards. "And I'm certainly not getting myself into trouble because of you!"

Shaking her head, Sage rushed into the living room where she heard her phone vibrate. Since Violet was sleeping in the extra bassinet in the living room, Sage hurried so that the newborn wouldn't wake up. As she reached for her phone, Fawn grabbed her wrist so quickly that Sage didn't even come close to her cell.

"Don't answer that", the dark blonde begged when she saw Gemma's number flashing on the display. "Please Sage..help me!"

With her lips formed into a thin line, Sage yanked her wrist out of Fawn's clinging grasp and held a finger in her face. "You tell me what's going on. Jax was also trying to reach me right before you knocked. And Jax never calls."

“Did you answer?” Fawn's voice cracked, her eyes filled with horror.

Sage let out a soft snort. "No because someone knocked on my door like a crazy person and almost woke up my daughter, who doesn't think sleep is necessary anyway!"

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