Bloodmoon x reader

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Request by: Kittyb226

Y/n was evicted from their apartment and has been living in the pizzaplex for several years. In the past they had run into bloodmoon a few times. they had considered him a friend despite what others thought about him. Bloodmoon also considered y/n at the very least to be an ally. After y/n heard that bloodmoon died they were devastated. Y/n is also a bit insane themselves although they dont show it much

Y/n waits for the other line to pick up as they impatient pace. Moon finally picks up the call and y/n could here a annoyed sigh from the other line.

"What happened now?"

"Is Bloodmoon really back?!" Y/n asks moon eagerly. Y/n had just talked with sun and sun had mentioned that bloodmoon came back recently. Y/n couldn't believe it and had to question moon to believe it. He was the more intelligent of the two after all.

"Unfortunately he is. Why?" Moon is slightly concerned for y/n now that they seem so glad he is back.

"Just had to make sure! Do you know where he is right now?"

"Of course not. If I did he would be dead."

Y/n rolls their eyes at his obvious threat towards bloodmoon. "I guess thats true...well do you have any ideas?"

Moon pauses, not sure if he should tell them or not. "Me and sun think he is hiding in one of the bunkers along with that amalgamation thing." Moon explains and is about to hang up the call but adds. "Dont get yourself into to much trouble y/n..."

Y/n chuckles "thanks for the help"

Y/n pants as they practically throw themselves into an all to familiar bunker. They have been checking all the bunkers hoping to find him but unfortunately they were down to the last one.

"I wouldn't be surprised if moon lied to me." Y/n says while rolling their eyes. They peer through the bunker and at first it seems empty. Almost everything is exactly as they had last seen it.

"Looks like we have a visitor!"
A British sounding voice says in mock excitement. Y/n immediately turns around to face the possible threat.

"Your that...amalgamation thing aren't you?" Y/n gets in a more defensive stance and reaches in their pocket for their knife. Although it definitely wouldn't do anything to the already destroyed a animatronic, that was simply y/n's first instinct.

"Correct! And you are y/n. You came here to find bloodmoon. Am I wrong?" The animatronic gets closer, not seeming to care for y/ns personal space.

Y/n raises an eyebrow "how do you know that?"

The amalgamation laughs clearly sounding insane. "I have my ways" now being way to close for y/n's comfort, ruin roughly grabs their shoulder.

Y/n tries to pull away but ruin doesn't let them. "Why dont we play a game or sorts since he isn't here?"

Yet again, y/n is still not able to get out of his grip. "I dont want to play your games!" Y/n grits their teeth

"Let them go!" A familiar voice yells at ruin, immediately causing him to release his grip on y/n. Y/n's eyes widen and they turn towards their long lost friend.

Y/n runs over to bloodmoon and without giving it a second thought, they pull him into a tight hug.

Bm is surprised but lets them hug for now. He sends ruin a death glare and ruin lets out a nervous laugh. "I didn't expect you to be back so soon..." ruin says.

Y/n lets bloodmoon go after realizing ruin is still there. "Leave before we make you more mangled than you already are." Bloodmoon threatens.

Ruin eventuality leaves and now bloodmoon and y/n are finally left alone.

Y/n breaks the silence "your new body is definitely different. I kinda like it actually."

"Its not as red as we would like it but at least we have claws now." Bloodmoon says

Y/n looks down at his hands and sees that he does in fact have claws. "I wish I had claws" y/n says sadly.

Bloodmoon laughs "they are great for ripping and tearing."

Y/n nods. "Speaking of that. A new homeless shelter recently opened up not to far from here. Why dont we them a visit?" Y/n suggests as a mischievous grin forms upon their face.

Bloodmoon quickly gets excited at the thought of more bloodshed. He nods eagerly. "Perfect" y/n says and they open the door to the bunker. Bloodmoon walks out and y/n follows as they now have a plan set.

Y/n and bloodmoon both have a surprisingly somewhat normal conversation on the way. Y/n leads most of is and they attempt to fill bloodmoon in on all the events he had missed. The conversation continues on like this for several minutes until bloodmoon decides to change up the topic.

"Have you...met anyone while I was gone?"

Y/n looks at him for a moment and processes the question. Once they realize what he meant y/n snickers. "Are you Jealous?"

"Of course not! We are just curious if you found a replacement for us." Bloodmoon denies their accusation.

"Sure sure. To answer your question, no I have not replaced you with anyone." Y/n still has a grin on their face as they look back ahead.


They finally arive at the homeless shelter and y/ns grin turns into a mischievous smirk.

"This will be fun"

(I plan on doing a part two in my gore book because yes)

960 words

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