ni-ki's pov I

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"what am I even gonna say?" he groaned locking his phone again

"she doesn't even give me a chance to speak, she just instantly shuts me down" he puts on his hoodie and goes to the others

"what's up Ni-ki? You look irritated?" asked Jake

"you say that like it's new" chuckled Sunoo

"nothing hyung, I'm just tired you know" he said sitting down on the couch

he just kept thinking about all the recent attempts he'd been making to talk to Y/n

"why can't she ever just let me finish" he accidentally says out loud

"you good Nick?" Heeseung asked

"yeah, I am" he stood up and went to the kitchen

"what was that about?" wondered Heeseung

"beats me" Jay shrugged

"she's so annoying, she just thinks I'm being rude all the time... well I'm not, can't she see that??? I keep trying to talk to her but she just blows me off, ugghghh" he paced up and down the kitchen

"she thinks she's hot shit now that she's getting famous, pfft... well, she is hot, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN SHE CAN BE A BITCH, UHGHHHGH" he groaned opening but then closing the fridge in frustration

"I know I may have been a little bit of an asshole but I was just acting out, she kinda deserved it though, she–

"no she didn't and you know that" he turned to see Sunghoon walking into the kitchen

"hyung!? how much of that did you hear?" his eyes paced

"just the part about her deserving your immature behavior, I guess" he said grabbing a drink from the fridge

"oh..." he cleared my throat

"yeah but I heard everything" grinned Jungwon from the corner

"you like Y/n noona, don't you?" he asked coming closer

"YOU DO?!?!" Sunghoon side eyed me

"you guys have finally lost your minds" he scoffed and left the kitchen

"oh come on Ni-ki, it's okay if you do" Jungwon teased

"hyung! it's none of your business, so leave me alone" he slammed the bedroom door but Jungwon followed him in

"this is my room too remember" he giggled sitting on his bed

he decided to leave the dorm and go to the practice room

"if Jungwon hyung tells the others he's dead meat, I swear" he said laying down on the floor

"ughhh, that was so embarrassing... fuck" he covered my face

he took my phone from my pocket and started browsing through insta

"oh yeah Y/n has insta" he said typing her user into the search bar, he looked through her feed posts

"she looks so much prettier without all that makeup she knows that right" he sighed leaving her feed

"wait what's this?" he clicked on a video of her singing in a bar

"woah! Is this Just A Little Bit? damn" he clicked on another one

"how did she make Tamed-Dashed sound cooler!??!" he said watching the video in awe

"she's pretty good" he said sharing the video to the Enha group chat

"wait, Jungwon hyung and Sunghoon hyung, let me just... 'your clout chaser' ... okay that should make them less suspicious" he sighs adding that under the video

"god I can't believe Jungwon hyung heard me call Y/n hot, uuhhghg" he groaned sinking into the floor

A while after, he decided to text Y/n

"play it cool Ni-ki, don't be rude" he pep talked himself as he opened their chat

Y/n I saw your videos?

One day 🦋:
A lot of people saw them, what's your point?

"she's already shutting me down, I barely even said anything" I complained

You're not as bad as I say you are
Also the electric guitar was pretty cool

One day 🦋:
Half assed compliment?
I think you can do better than that

I was just making an observation

"why's she reading so much into what I'm saying, she's gonna misunderstand" he said running his hand over his face

One day 🦋:
Is that all?

Pretty much, also stop wearing so much makeup

One day 🦋:
Yeah I'm not taking advice from you
Bye Riki

You look better without it
*not sent*

"great, again" he groaned staring at the unsent message before erasing it


-end of pov-

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