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7 months. That's how long Dylan and Taylor had been broken up. After their last conversation, Dylan packed up her stuff and her cat and left New York. She blocked Taylor on all of her socials, but she couldn't bring herself to block her number.

After the first few weeks, Taylor tried to call Dylan non-stop. She texted her lengthy messages apologising and trying to explain everything, but Dylan wasn't having none of it.

Dylan ended up selling her house in London too. There were too many memories of Taylor in that house, it's like every corner of the house was haunted. Haunted by memories of Dylan and Taylor's time together, and Dylan didn't want to think about them.

So she bought a new home that was far enough away from everyone so that she couldn't be bothered, but that plan didn't really work out.

Hayley Chapman had practically moved in with Dylan just to make sure that she was okay, but Dylan was the master at hiding her feelings and her personal business. So Hayley was none the wiser,

"Dylan! Wake up!" Hayley shouted

Dylan didn't budge.

Hayley looked at the girl's nightstand to find her prescription from the doctor. The box was open and 2 pills were missing.

Hayley had dragged Dylan to her doctor as the girl could not sleep. No matter how hard she tried, it was impossible. So her doctor had prescribed her Xanax to help her sleep, not a good idea.

Hayley screamed Dylan's name at the top of her lungs causing the girl to groan,


"You need to wake up," Hayley said


"Because I am going to work and I don't trust you to be here alone, so your going to your mum's for lunch," Hayley said sternly

"For fuck sake," Dylan slurred, still drowsy from her medication

"Get up, and you're only supposed to take one of these Dylan," Hayley sighed

"Whatever," Dylan groaned as she sat up from her bed

She grabbed her phone from her nightstand and texted her Amber,

i need a favour

depends on what it is

i need stuff

as in like

yes amber the same as last time

dylan you can't keep doing this

can you come over or not?

I'll be there later

thank you


Taylor sighed as she read the news article on her phone,

"Dylan Bailey spotted on another night out! Is she drowning her sorrows, or is she just enjoying her newly suspected single life?!"

Taylor knew Dylan was spiralling and that it was all her fault. She felt so guilty. After the two broke up, she locked herself in her room for days on end, desperately trying to speak with Dylan. But she never picked up.

 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐃 • TAYLOR SWIFT Where stories live. Discover now