28 | "Sorrow"

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Dropping her keys, beeper and purse onto the counter Miyoko picked up the mail that she had received not too long before she arrived back home. She read over the names on each mail, disregarding the ones with Arlante's name on it. She ripped opened a piece of mail that had her name on it. She half-smiled realizing it was a drawing from her niece Amina. She was really into art. It hurt to smile or be happy most of the time knowing that Arlante currently wasn't.

It was even harder to not be able to write, rap or rehearse for anything when his spirits were down.

A week ago he received the worst news anyone could ever receive. His daughter Imani had passed away from a gunshot wound. She was only two years old. It felt surreal that something so tragic could even happen. She was just a baby and didn't deserve it. Only good news to come was the man who did it, identified as Donell Griffin, was caught and charged with criminal possession of a firearm and first-degree murder, and sentenced to twenty-five to life with no parol. His accomplices Jared Griffin and Miles Lucas were given up to fifteen years.

The whole situation was hard for Miyoko. She helped Monica to plan Imani's wake. She had just come back from the repass after the funeral and burial ended without the presence of Arlante being there. Not only did it bother her when he didn't show up but it broke Monica's heart when he hadn't shown his respect for their daughter. It wasn't a surprise that his mother Claudia along with his step-father Donovan showed up. They stayed for the funeral and repass but had to catch a flight back home immediately after. Steele, Benny, Don, Trey and Shorty also paid their respects. Had only they convinced Arlante to join them.

Miyoko barely saw Arlante most days. She barely spoke to him mostly because he barely spoke more than two words to her. She missed his smile, his laugh, the spark in his eyes he got whenever he looked at her. Whenever he wasn't home, he spent his nights at the studio. So she assumed. Miyoko hated it but she wouldn't dare express that to him in his time of grieving. As much as she wanted him to talk to her, she didn't want to feel like a burden to him. He had a lot on his plate and didn't want to add herself to the equation.

The telephone rang snapping her out of her thoughts and she walked over to it, putting it up to her ear. "Hello." She spoke, sweetly into the phone. She tried to sound as normal as possible.

"Hey sweetheart," She recognized Arlante's mother Claudia's voice. Her voice was warm and full of energy. Claudia managed to keep her spirits up even after losing her only granddaughter.

"Hi Mrs. Claudia. Is everything okay? Are you waiting for your flight, still?"

"Everything is alright, baby. We'll be boarding in a few and I just wanted to check up on you and him," She referred to her son. "You know the plane doesn't get any service and it'll be a while before we land so I didn't want to forget to call. Is he still not home yet?"

"No luck." Miyoko replied, biting the inside of her cheek out of uncertainty. She tried to convince herself that she knew he was at the studio but she could only hope. "If he didn't show to the funeral then he's definitely not coming home."

"You know you just got to give him some time honey." Claudia sadly replied, feeling Miyoko's energy through the phone.

"...I know." She nodded her head, sadly. "I'm trying my best to."

"How're you doing? How are you holding up?" She didn't want to leave Miyoko's side under the circumstances but she had her own life and responsibilities to tend to.

A lot of people hadn't asked her that question. She didn't know how to feel. Everything was so overwhelming to her. She was used to asking everyone how they were doing instead of anyone genuinely asking her.

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