25 | All's Fair in Love and War

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The crowd is wild, like a pack of animals rabid for blood.

My hand curls around the glass in front of me, lifting the glass to my lips as I look over them towards the girl standing in the middle of the ring, night black hair pulled into a low pony, dark eyes sweeping over the crowd like she's their queen. I sip the amber liquid, rolling the whiskey around my mouth before swallowing it.

My dragon lifts his head, eyes narrowed on the woman, curiosity a heavy weight on both our minds.

A body enters the ring and my hand tightens on the glass, seeing the man who enters and recognising him as one of our regulars who has a proclivity for fighting dirty.

He circles around Red, eyes watching her every move.

My teeth grind but I stay in my spot, letting the woman fight her own battles.

They begin to circle before red attacks first, ducking low and swiping out with her leg, hitting him in the back of the knee.

The man stumbles hit right himself, spinning so fast that it takes a red a second to react and duck away from his approaching fist.

"Snap the fuckers neck!" Malachis voice is a booming roar over the crowd, only making the rest of the fuckers in this bar rape their approval and stomp their feet.

I glance to the side, seeing both Killian and Malac watching the fight with rapt attention and I turn my full gaze to them, narrowing my eyes.

"Since when the fuck did you guys care about red?"

Killian turns to me, raising a brow and shrugging. "She's a good fighter."

I'm silent for a second.

"Stay away from her." I say.

"You claiming her?" Malachi asks, turning to look over his shoulder with a twinkle in his eye.

I shake my head, "no, she's human."

"You can keep using that excuse." Malachi mutters.

"My dragon just finds her interesting, wants to protect her."

"Just like Noah?" Killian says and I snap my head to him while Malac chuckles.

"No." I grumble and turn back to the fight, grumbling more when I realise they're almost done. And red is losing.

I finish my drink with a wince and stand up, stalking to the bar and towards Candace for another one.

Killian follows behind me, and I wait for Candace to turn to another customer before turning to my cousin. "What?"

"Why do you deny Noah being our mate."

"I already told you."


I flash my eyes to his but Malachi joins the conversation. "We have power." Malachi says, "We have people on our side."

"We have employees." I counter quietly, "they are only loyal while we pay them, money dries up and so will their loyalty."

"Not all of them." Killian says.

"Not enough." I mutter, "and now someone is killing humans in our territory. Another slight against us."

"With shadows." Malachi adds, "they have to be a demon blooded."

"But with the smile?"


"You think Sienna would know who it is?"

I shake my head at Malachis question. "That girl couldn't find her hand if it was right in front of her face."

"So she's ruled out?"

"She's not powerful enough. Just enough juice to keep people enamoured but to kill like that? You'd have to be a pretty powerful succubus."


"He doesn't have the shadows or the succubus powers."

"So what, we just have to wait and see who else dies?"

"We don't have a choice, we don't have any leads."

"Who was the girl?"

"Someone Enzo knew. She was an informant for the streets. My guess is she got caught."

Killian huffs, "You still didn't answer the question."


"Why do you not want Noah?"



I shut my eyes, fingers pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Why do you want to protect red but not Noah?"

"Noah is human."

"So is Red." He counters.

I can feel both their eyes on me and I look back towards the ring but the fight is done, Red probably in the locker by now.

"Red can look after herself."

"So you think she'd survive Abraham. You said she's human, no human would survive Abraham." Killian says. "You said so yourself."

"I'm not going to mate her."

"Just watch her?" Malachi says with a scoff and stalks off, disappearing in the crowd.

I turn to Killian, "I won't mate a human, I won't watch our mate die and then watch us die with her-"

I stop when Candace drops off my drink and I look towards her, knowing she delayed it just so I could speak.

I nod my head and take the drink.

Dead Girls Don't Run - fantasy version | 18+ Where stories live. Discover now