Do i hate you or i love you?

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Ross' POV :

We where yelling at each others faces . And in one second the same scene with Sara came to my mind . She was a frustrating girl . She always wanted me to act like a jerk in front of my family . I loved her that much that i fell on her trap and then she just cheated on me . We always fighted . We never had something in common . I don't know why but Katy always reminds me of Sara . Those stupid days i passed out with her ... And now i'm fighting with Katy . And we have the same conversation that i had with Sara :

''YOU ARE STUPID'' The same face appeared on her

''STOP INSULTING ME OR I'LL HIT YOU ONE MORE TIME'' The same voice turned to Sara's one

''SHUT UP!!'' I couldn't deny her cheating

''YOU ARE NOBODY TO TELL ME TO SHUT UP!!'' Her stupid personality never matched mine

''OH YEAH !!?? NOBODY??'' She makes me feel like shit

''NOBODY!!'' She always wanted to fight and make me got the bad adrenaline

''OKAY THEN''My blood blows and my energy comes full and with all my madness and bad memories i lapped her really hard on the face . Once i did that a big sound come from the slap . It was really hard . Then i woked up from my live nightmare and i focused on Katy on the floor . She had to fall to the floor because she hitted her head and now it's bleeding . Stupid Ross !!! Why did i do that to her !! Ugghhh !!! Then the teacher and the rest of the students came in with worried face's and they started to say to me things like 'what you did to her' and then the teacher yelled at me ' detention' ..... I just involved myself in a stupid problem . They carried her to a emergency hospital car and then the bell rang for end of class . Then the rest of the hours passed out and i'm thinking with that girl . How could i hit that precious little cute girl .. wait !! WHAT THE HELL I AM SAYING !! I HAVE TO STOP LOVING PEOPLE !! People always hurts . Then the day ended for school and it's time to get home . I fastly runned out of school and then i got to the hospital . I got to the counter and a nurse said to me :

''Can i help you??''

''Yeah , where is the room of Katy''

''Katy , what?''

''Katy... Stevens''

''Yeah , room 56 , in this hall at the end all right ''

''Okay , thank you'' Wait ... did i just was nice to somebody and had a conversation??? I'm getting every day more weirder . I got to her room and i opened it slowly . I looked a little bit to see a lifeless Katy laying on a bed . What did i do !!???!!?? How can i help myself to do something that bad !!?? I never hitted a girl before . I got to her room slowly and i sat next to her on the bed . She is cute sleeping . I have to admit that . I caressed her cheek with the back of my hand . I looked at her more deep . She have the perfect curled brunette hair , with those red cheeks and those kissable link lips . I couldn't help myself so i leaned in . Don't know why but i just did it . I was hetting closer . Closer and it was slow . CM away and now . I am kissing her warm soft lips . It felt really different than any other kiss that i get . She .. i don't know how to describe it well . Then i realized .. WHAT THE FREAK I AM DOING !!!?? I fastly pulled away and then her eyes opened up and her dark blue eyes started to focus on me .

Katy's POV :

I felt sparks all over my body . I waked up at the feling of something warm and really soft kissing me . I don't know why but i just enjoyed that stranger kissing me . Then he fastly pulled away and i opened my eyes to see ... WHAT 1!?? Ross!!?? What is he doing here ??

Ross' POV :

''What are you doing here and where i am??''She said all rude

''You blacked out and we got you to the hospital'' I said in a really gulty and soft tone

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