Half-Man, Half-Not, yet Fully Empty

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Becoming a hero was never easy, neither was it easy coming to terms of the idea that you are both human and not

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Becoming a hero was never easy, neither was it easy coming to terms of the idea that you are both human and not. Two identities clashing like a pack of wolves waiting to tear each other apart with her maternal side winning the lot.

Leaving Themyscira was easy, all it took was a question from her older cousin who knew her father's side. But adapting to Man's world was hard, she had to follow rules that were never spoken of when she was home but there was always a sense of familiarity. She was too young when she went to Themyscira and left her father behind—he was dead when she left, but she didn't know that. She didn't have to—but that changed when she accidentally hurt a classmate from a bleeding nose. The victim said the liquid solidified into some kind of blade and slashed her arm after being blamed for hitting her in the face during a dodgeball game.

Sure, Diana wasn't happy but she saw an opportunity arise.

Training with Wonder Woman was not easy, but it helped tame herself. Then, Wonder Girl enters the scene. Being labelled as a sidekick did not mean as much as it should have but it was nice being part of something.

Then she's proposed an idea. A team of younger heroes and Diana says it's a good opportunity to find more friends who have similar lives and perhaps it worked. And that routine worked out for longer than it should've as she witnesses faces come and go.

Then again, being a hero is never easy.

NIRVANA PRINCE                    ✸

NIRVANA PRINCE                    ✸HUMAN-AMAZON,               B-04WONDER WOMAN'S PROTÉGÉ

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CONNER KENT                   ✸


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HELLLLLOOOOOO 2024!!!!!!!!!!!! new Year means new me means REVAMP TIME! so welcome to Valentine, TEXAS! a yj!conner kent fic thats been burning since may 2021 🔥🔥 and a nirvana revamp waiting to happen yall...

considering the fact its been THREE years since i last blinked at this, theres so many changes! one major change was changing nirvanas fc to kuvira mostly coz i wanted her to physically look like she cld be dianas sister of some sort (basically the amazon genes in terms of looks won over her human genes) since most of her abilities come from her fathers side which is another major change. then theres the absent mother trope (i write too much of this istg i love my mom guys 😭😭) being more prominent in this iteration of the fic and she acknowledges she is closer to her late father and maternal family

another thing is that im still debating if i write s3 or Not and mgann and conner are NOT getting back together 🧍🏻 im still mad to this day that the writers put them back together...

final thing!! nirvanas powers are inspired by bloodbending and jjk's blood manipulation while nirvana as a whole is inspired by the women of tlok/atla esp korra 🙏🏼

p.s: i had the urge to name this after gracie abrams' mess it up coz i have an unhealthy attachment to that song and i finished my s1 rewatch in a span of 10 hours

DEDICATIONS!!! for bicepteens for telling me they miss corvana like my bad yall... also to keupid for Persuading me in revamping this after reminding me of the fact that there isnt that many yj fics out there (go read pink in the night if u havent 🤨🤨) and to spaceism cuddleysoftbear -CELESTIELS ravkas kinaiiya medusatrance  <3

WARNINGS include canonical violence, major character death, absent parents, the entire post-breakup mgann and conner era in terms of character.., &&& yj comic spoilers


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