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Anxiety was the only emotion that Taylor could feel right now as she stepped off of the plane at Heathrow Airport. She hadn't been to London since the last time she was with Dylan.

A large crack of thunder echoed around Dylan and Taylor's house, causing the three cats to sprint into Dylan and Taylor's bedroom where the two were currently lying.

The cats jumped up onto the bed and clawed their way under the sheets scaring the shit out of a sleeping Dylan,

"Ah! What the fuck!" Dylan screamed as she shot up from her place in the bed

She quickly stood up off the bed and flicked the lamp on to find 4 scaredy cats,

"I think the thunder scared them," Taylor said her breath shaking slightly, "I think it might've scared me too,"

Dylan chuckled at the girl before climbing back into the bed with Taylor and the cats,

"Don't be scared love, it's only a little bit of thunder, it can't hurt you,"

"Are you sure? Because it sounded like it wanted to hurt me," Taylor said

"I'm sure, and besides, nothing will ever hurt you as long as I'm here," Dylan smiled


"I promise,"

"I love you,"

"I love you too Taylor,"

"Taylor," A familiar voice called breaking Taylor out of her thoughts


"We're here," Tree said

"Oh, okay," Taylor smiled before grabbing her things and stepping out of the car

Surprisingly, there was no paparazzi at all, which Taylor was very thankful for. So her and Tree made their way into the hotel and got checked in.

Once Taylor got into her hotel room, she collapsed onto the bed, and just when she thought she could get a moment of peace, Tree walked into the room,

"We have to leave in 3 hours okay? So get some rest," Tree ordered

"Okay," Taylor huffed

Truth be told, Taylor was a mess. After every show she would just sob uncontrollably. After singing all of the songs that she had dedicated to Dylan and their relationship, it was just too much for her.

So here she was lying on the hotel room bed on her phone. She clicked onto her and Dylan's messages and felt a lump starting to well in her throat,

dylan please talk to me
read 10/11/17

she kissed me dylan
she manipulated me
i pushed her away
you saw me push her away
read 10/11/17

I'm so sorry dylan
i love you so much
read: 10/11/17

can we talk?
read: 15/11/17

i don't know what else i can say dylan
karlie manipulated me
the same way amber manipulated you
please talk to me
i love you
read: 01/12/17

happy birthday dyl
i'm sorry for ruining everything
i love you
read: 24/12/17

 𝐅𝐀𝐋𝐒𝐄 𝐆𝐎𝐃 • TAYLOR SWIFT Where stories live. Discover now