Chapter Thirteen

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I'm walking into the school building right now... after not sleeping at all last night my eyes have become so red. And plus, I all I did was to just cry the whole time. I'm wearing a black mask just so that no one can know what happened yesterday. Everything that happened yesterday was too quick and was just enough to completely ruin me. I'm walking slowly looking at the ground the whole time. I look up just for a second and fine Jake standing just a few steps ahead of me. he waves at me, and I walk towards him fast.

"You, okay?" he asks me.

I just nod before the tears begin fill my eyes. "What happened? Come on tell me." Jake asks calmly. And tell him everything that happened yesterday in a short summary.

"You just had a small crush on him, okay? clam down." He says trying to console me.

"Then why is this affecting me so much? Why!?" I yell while trying to fight the tears that are about to escape my eyes. I wipe my eyes while he is processing what to say. He begins looking behind me and then smiles awkwardly. I just make a confused expression. I look back and find Alex running towards us. He stands next to me and begins the speak with Jake. And I just look away from both of them and look at the floor. I'm fighting my tears so hard. I take a small step back hoping that none of them will notice. But Alex looks at me as soon as I take a step back. And a tear falls out of my eye, and he watches the tear roll down my cheek and then he turns to me as another tear begins to fall. He brings his hand near my face and tries to wipe it, but I take a step back and wipe my eyes myself. "I don't need your kindness." I say to him calmly because I don't want anything else to happen that will hurt me. because if anything else happens then I won't be able to handle myself anymore. It's already so hard to handle myself and try so hard not to cry in front of other people because I don't want others to see how much sensitive I am. I don't want random people asking me what happened because I don't want to talk to strangers or anyone else. It's already hard for me to talk to people who are close to me. And I don't understand how Alex can even have to nerve to try to comfort me after he knows that he's the reason I'm so upset. I look for Jake so that he can help me go away from Alex, but Jake isn't standing Infront me. he has just disappeared. I turn away from Alex and begin walking away from him, but he grabs my wrist of the back and pulls me so that I'm standing just in front of him, and just a few inches away. Our faces are so close that this all feels so wrong. I slowly try to take a step back, but Alex grips my wrist even harder not letting me to walk away from him. I just break eye contact and look away. As my eyes begin flooding tears. I'm so angry that the anger is making me cry. Alex grabs my chin slowly and turns my head so that I'm facing him. I still don't make eye contact.

"I'm just trying to console you... chill down." He speaks.

"Just leave me.... ALONE!" I yell at him.

He grabs a tissue from his pocket and wipes my cheeks so that my tears are no longer seen. He hands me the tissue as I look at him. "Okay" he says as he takes a step back from me. Then he turns around and walks away leaving me standing in the empty hallway all alone. I just inhale a deep breath, wipe my eyes, smile, and begin walking towards my class.

. . . .

Nothing really happened today. I didn't even run into Alex after what happened today morning. I don't know why but I feel really exhausted even though I have done absolutely nothing today. Maybe its just because I'm super stressed because exams are pretty close, and I am also mentally tired. I put on my headphones and begin listening to my favourite songs that are there in a playlist. I'm looking out the window since my house is 40 minutes away from school. Suddenly the bus stops but I don't really bother to see why. I'm just enjoying the music and the cool air that I'm getting since they window is open.

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