you're all i desire (it's like you kill me by design)

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There was a killer among the Avengers (no, it wasn't Natasha, no matter what Tony may say). One by one, like weak little flies, they had been getting killed off. It was as horrifying to not only the team but to the modern civilians who couldn't even dream of facing a killer that could take down heroes at the level that the Avengers were on, but also shameful.

They were heroes to the level of saving the Earth from a galactic threat; a so-called last line of defense between whatever may come to harm the planet they lived on, and one killer was eradicating them like insects.

They were being treated like pets. All their preparations rendered useless when the killer struck, always alone with their victim, never seen, never caught.

Tony talked about the 'Scream' movies, there was only Sam who had watched it amongst them. Clint had been meaning to but he had kids and he didn't want to watch them, and Natasha didn't watch horror movies a lot.

The point he made was that there might be two killers masquerading as one. One that strikes when the other is securing his or hers (pointed tone towards Natasha) alibi.

First went Sam. He was the warning. He was a war-vet, and he was strong, but most of the team was better. He was, in a way, the weakest.

Then it was Steve. He was the surprise. He was in no way the weakest. A war veteran, a super-soldier, and the first Avenger.

After Steve came Bruce.

And now it was just Thor, Vision, Clint, Wanda, Natasha, and Tony.

Thor and Vision were kind of unkillable. Clint was very much killable. Wanda was a ticking time bomb. Natasha was a killer in her own right. And Tony was extremely cautious to the point of paranoia, that it would be hard to kill him but probably not that hard to get him alone to get a chance to do it.

So it was clear, the next two targets were likely Clint or Tony.

Tony had already written his will, and Clint was torn between returning to his family (which risked bringing the killer to his home), or staying and maybe dying.

They were all currently in the living room, windows tinted, doors shut, all soundproofing systems on. If their plans were revealed, then there was a traitor in the group.

"Clint and Tony." Natasha started, having unofficially taken the role of a leader now that Steve was...gone. "You two are the prime next targets."

"What about little red?" Tony exclaimed. "Shouldn't she be counted in? Apart from her wiggly woos, she's just a 20-something year old, and all she ever does is grieve. Come on, big red. She's in danger too."

"We all are, Mr. Stark." Vision replied. "But-- I think- what Ms. Romanoff wishes to say is that despite all of us being in danger, you two are at the highest risk."

"Thank you, Vision." Natasha said absentmindedly. "Tony, you never get out of your lab. You honestly have no idea how easy it would be for a killer to strike."

"My tech is enough to protect me and I'm not lacking in the strength area, thank you very much." Tony scoffed. "And isn't Clint like a master assassin like you?"

"Mostly long range. And mostly humane practices." Natasha rebutted.

Clint nodded his assent to that. It was all very well known Natasha reached her level of strength because what she went through was several ways a (kind of) war crime in a time of 'peace'.

Wanda pressed her lips tightly, before she spoke. "Maybe he's right. If... If Tony's easy to get alone, so am I. And I don't have the training that Clint does."

you're all i desire (it's like you kill me by design)Where stories live. Discover now