Happy Birthday, Carissa!

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The date was February 3rd, 2024. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today. Carissa Ruprecht (The Starry Sky I Saw) can be seen on her computer talking to her girlfriend Rica Perlak (Hatsune Miku In Namjatown Rin) on Zoom.

The Starry Sky I Saw: So how are your friends and brother doing?

Hatsune Miku In Namjatown Rin: They're all doing fine. Everybody's got a lover now.

The Starry Sky I Saw: Oh really? That's great! Hey, are you excited about the Squid Game party today?

Hatsune Miku In Namjatown Rin: You know it.

The Starry Sky I Saw: And this is a good day to have it, because today is also my birthday.

Hatsune Miku In Namjatown Rin: Oh it is? Happy birthday!

The Starry Sky I Saw: Thanks. I'm turning sweet 16.

Hatsune Miku In Namjatown Rin: Nice. I wonder what they'll have at that party. Obviously food and drinks.

The Starry Sky I Saw: Don't forget about the games.

Hatsune Miku In Namjatown Rin: Oh, right. But I bet Lord Otome and his harem will provide us with some entertainment of their own.

The Starry Sky I Saw: Well, it's a Squid Game party. Maybe the Squid Games are in the Lunar Home now.

Hatsune Miku In Namjatown Rin: Ooh! I can't wait!

And so, Rica and Carissa kept talking for a few more minutes until they both had to leave.

The Starry Sky I Saw's 16th BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now