Episode 5 - The Aftermath

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Dan and Charlie stood there in shock, the weight of Archie's words sinking in. The once tense atmosphere from their bow and arrow practice turned into an overwhelming sense of grief. "W-What? What do you mean, they didn't make it?" Dan asked, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and disbelief. Charlie's expression turned from stern to a look of anguish.
Archie, still panting, struggled to find the right words. "We were... overrun. Rose, she... I had to... she's gone, Lily fought, but... there was too many." Dan's face turned from shock to anger. "What happened, Archie? You were with them! Explain!" he demanded, clenching his fists. Charlie's eyes were filled with a mix of sorrow and frustration as well. "Fuck... there's no way" He uttered, with tears starting to form. As Archie explained his account of events Dan and Charlie listened, the despair building within them more and more. Dan then turned to Charlie, "What are we gonna tell Stinkapoo?" Lamented Dan. Charlie looked back at him and hung his head, "Man I don't even wanna think about that" He returned.
"God, I dont- I don't feel too good. Lily... Rose..." Shuddered Dan. He then walked away from Charlie and Archie so he could throw up, what happened had shook him to the core. Dan then returned to the guys, "You okay, Dan?" Asked Charlie. Dan then looked at him, "No... oh god no!" Cried Dan. Charlie's face was filled with sorrow. Archie remainded motionless. As the three remainded silent, something caught Charlie's eye. A person approaching "Wait... is that Lily?". The three guys all turned their attention, it was infact her approaching, she was a mess, dirty and covered in blood. Archie turned white in fear, he realised his plan failed and Lily managed to escape. "Oh fuck..." he Murmured under his breath. As Lily got closer, it was clear that she was full of rage. "L-Lily?" Spluttered Archie nervously. Lily didn't speak a word, she remainded fixated on Archie, engulfed in rage. Dan began approaching her slowly, "Lily... what happened?" Pleaded Dan. She completely ignored him and her eyes bore into Archie with a mixture of fury and grief. Her entire being completely consumed by an intense desire for retribution. Dan and Charlie exchanged worried glances, unsure of what would unfold. Lily, fueled by her emotions, took a few more steps until she was standing right in front of Archie. Without hesitation, she punched Archie in the face. It shook him, she punched him again and it sent him straight to the grass. "Jesus christ!" Cried Charlie. Lily began repeatedly punching Archie, as he was vulnerable on the ground, he tried fighting back but it was no use. Her grief made her strength unmatched. Dan and Charlie had to step in and hold her back, she then began wailing out. "YOU LEFT ME THERE TO DIE! YOU KILLED ROSE!" Lily's voice trembled with anger as she struggled to find the right words. Tears streamed down her face, mixing with the dirt and blood. She took a deep breath, trying to calm herself. Archie sat himself up but couldn't look her in the eye. Dan and Charlie remainded silent, unsure what to say at this. "You betrayed us," Lily continued, her voice now cold and unwavering. "But I survived. Rose didn't have to die, not like that. We could've all got out, we just needed more time". The air was heavy with tension. Dan and Charlie were both filled with rage now after hearing this. All the noise had attracted Fluff, Audgrey, Rubin and god forbid... poor Stinkapoo. The four came rushing over, seeing Lily and Archie in the states they were in, wondering what on earth happened. Stinkapoo observed, he knew straight away Rose wasn't there, his heart began to sink. The group all gathered around, awaiting an expression. "Are you gonna tell them? Or am I? You pathetic piece of shit" Hissed Lily at Archie, who still remainded sat down on the floor. Archie looked down and remainded unresponsive. Stinkapoo grew impatient and spoke up, "What the fuck is going on? Where's Rose? Where is she? Is she coming back?" He demanded, starting to worry even more. Dan went up to Stinkapoo and put his hand on his shoulder. "What? Somebody say something! Where the fuck is my girlfriend?" Exploded Stinkapoo. "Lily, seriously, where's Rose?" Asked Audgrey. Lily's sore eyes began to fill with tears again and so did Dan's and Charlie's. "She-she's gone... Archie... fucking murdered her" Explained Lily painfully. Stinkapoo's expression shifted from confusion to sorrow. His heart fell deeper as the reality of Rose's fate hit him. "No... Rose... WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?" he screamed at Archie, grabbing him, unable to comprehend the loss. Fluff, Audgrey and Rubin's faces were full of a mix of rage and depression. Their close friend taken from them in such a brutal way. "W-we had to survive, it was the only way" Blurted Archie. Stinkapoo couldn't believe what he was hearing, "DONT GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT, YOU FUCKING COWARD! YOU TOOK AWAY THE PERSON WHO MEANT THE MOST TO ME! WHO I LOVED MORE THAN ANYTHING! YOU FUCKING MONSTER! I SWEAR YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR THIS!" Stinkapoo let go of Archie and fell to his knees, his hands sunk into his tear filled eyes. Rose, the person who had stood by him during the darkest times, was gone. The weight of the loss settled heavily on his shoulders, making it hard for him to breathe. He stared at the ground, unable to comprehend the reality of the situation. Memories of their time together flooded his mind, intensifying the pain of the sudden absence. Dan and Charlie both put a hand on Stinkapoo's shoulders as he sat on the ground, weeping somberly. Audgrey and Lily shared a hug, in an attempt to comfort each other. Rubin and Fluff just stood there in disbelief. Archie didn't seem fazed by the situation at all, he just remainded lying on the ground. "We've- gotta go tell everyone else now..." Spoke Lily "Lily, you should really clean yourself up, we'll tell the others just go get yourself cleaned up, okay?" Returned Dan softly. Lily sighed, "Yeah, you're right. Thanks Dan". He hugged her. Lily tried to smile at Dan but she couldn't bring herself to. Neither could anyone else, emotions are completely raw and the group is fractured. Lily weakly nodded at Dan, acknowledging the need to compose herself before facing everyone else. As Lily walked away to get cleaned up, the air was filled with sorrow. Stinkapoo was punching the ground in anger, still refusing to believe Rose was gone. Charlie turned to Archie, "I don't care what your cronies say, you're fucking leaving this place and never coming back, if they stick up for you they're leaving too"
"Yeah, you fucking monster. I can't believe we trusted him!" Cried Dan. As all the tension was going on, a thunder clap was heard and before they knew it, trickles of rain began falling from the sky, adding a somber tone to the already heavy atmosphere. Each droplet seemed to echo the collective sorrow and anger of the group. The world around them seemed to mourn the loss of Rose and the betrayal by one of their own. Stinkapoo, still on the ground, felt the cold rain mixing with his tears. Dan, Charlie, Fluff, Rubin and Audgrey all stood in the rain, exchanging looks at each other reflecting a mix of grief and anger. Archie, soaked from the rain, stood alone, facing the consequences of his actions. Okay, let's move, we gotta tell everyone else" Spoke Dan. "Right behind you man" Returned Charlie. Everyone began to move except Stinkapoo, he was completely layed down on his back as all the rain poured down onto him. All he could think about was Rose. "Leave him Dan, he needs time alone" Said Rubin somberly. Dan nodded in agreement as the rest of the fractured group headed to the playground to inform everyone else about the events which occurred...

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