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Bobby sat at the edge of his mattress, tensing the muscles in his hands to make his claws appear and disappear over and over again. Anyone who knew Bobby for more than a second could tell you that he never shied away from violence, he'd go out of his way to instigate it most days, but ever since that night, ever since he became... let's say 'no longer fully human', he found it harder and harder to contain himself. He didn't feel in control of his own emotions, and that being one of the only things he had been able to control his entire life, this was really upsetting him. He could feel his jaw aching, the need to bite down and destroy something with his teeth, but he didn't actually want to. He was supposed to be preparing for a date with his girlfriend Bryce today, they were going to an amusement park, but Bobby hadn't even picked his clothes out yet. He could do nothing but grunt and try his best to stay still, fearing that he'd trash his room if he allowed himself to move an inch... he heard his front door knock.

"Bobby, sweetheart?" A familiar soothing voice came from the other side of the wall. Shit, he thought he had more time to calm himself down. He couldn't let Bryce see him like this, he couldn't see Bryce while he was like this. What if he... no. "Bobby?" Bryce kept calling. "It's me! Are you not ready yet?" Bobby tried to yell back but let out a snarl instead of words, covering his mouth in shock of himself. "Bobby...? Are you ok?" He attempted once more to speak, again nothing but animalistic growls coming out. "I'm letting myself in." Shit, shit, shit. He looked around the room in a panic, not sure what he was even looking for. His ear perked up at the sound of his front door opening and closing, the sound of Bryce's heels clacking against his floor, the tuts she made as she moved his trash out of her path... the sight of his door handle turning. Bobby used all the strength he still had control of to stay put. He gripped his mattress, accidentally piercing it with his claws. He wasn't going to let himself anywhere near her while he was like this. His bedroom door opened. Bryce stepped in wearing a stunning red cheetah print knee length dress, a black leather jacket draped over her shoulders, her favourite gold jewellery, a pair of partially ripped black tights, her signature red heels, her bobbed hair slightly curled, and a bold red eyeshadow look that faded into a deep blue at the corners of her eyes paired with a red lip. She looked stunning. Bobby took one look at her and felt the pit in his stomach sink even lower. He couldn't. He wouldn't let himself. No. "Sweetheart...?" Bryce looked concerned as she closed the bedroom door behind her. She went to approach Bobby but he unintentionally growled at her to keep her away, bearing his sharpened teeth. Bryce flinched slightly, more out of surprise than fear, but Bobby was convinced he'd scared her. He finally managed to say something.

"Br-yce." He whined. Bryce wasn't sure what to make of the situation, she'd never seen him like this before. Bobby could feel himself losing the little control he had left of his body, his claws ripped themselves out of his mattress and swiped through the air, bits of fluff still attached. He had never felt so scared.

"Bobby... I don't know what's happening, but I want to help you." Bryce folded up the sleeves of her leather jacket and attempted once again to approach Bobby. His eyes widened as he felt them glazing over. No. No..

"NO!" He yelped. Bryce stayed put this time. She reached a hand out to Bobby. He couldn't... control himself anymore. He swiped for her. He... hurt her. Bryce recoiled her arm back to check the wound on her arm Bobby had just inflicted, luckily not too deep of a cut. Tears welled up in Bobby's crazed eyes. "N-O." He repeated. A small amount of drool escaped his mouth as he breathed rapidly. His heart was pounding in his chest.

"It's ok, that's ok." She reassured him, understanding a little bit more what was happening now. She had experience with this type of thing, having no control of violent outbursts, since she'd started having to constantly replace her hearts she'd gotten used to it. Obviously, Bobby's situation wasn't going to have as simple of a solution as hers, in fact she wasn't positive there was a clear cut solution to this at all, but she could try. She reached both of her hands out again. "You're ok, I'm here." Bobby had lost all control, he was now on his hands and knees on his mattress, trembling. He bit her on the hand. She winced, but didn't pull away. He growled and snarled at her. She smiled back. She could see the tears falling from his eyes, she knew he didn't mean it. She waited for him to release her hand and placed it on his shoulder, kneeling down to his level. He scratched at her legs and knees and made several cuts that bled. Bryce sifted her hand through Bobby's wild hair and scratched the back of his ears. He paused for a moment. "That's it..." Bryce cooed. Bobby's pupils begun to dilate. He bit down on Bryce's arm. She yelped, but didn't move. Bobby closed his eyes, using every bit of sanity in him not to rip his teeth back out again. He eventually managed to open his mouth, without damaging her arm any further. He looked at the holes he'd made in her jacket sleeve and his breath became shaken. "Bobby, it's ok." He looked up at Bryce and saw nothing but a warm smile. Nothing but care and sympathy. He grunted. She took back her arm and stroked his cheek with her thumb as she took a moment to look around, eventually settling on her leather jacket to take off and hand him. "Bite down on this." Bobby nodded and clasped his jaw around the jacket's rolled up sleeve, Bryce was grateful she'd chosen the leather one that day. Now that her jacket was off, they both could see fully the damage he'd done to her arm. Two thick chains of small but deep bleeding wounds. Bryce sighed and ignored it, she didn't care about herself in that moment. She watched as Bobby tore the sleeve of her leather jacket to shreds, ripping it like paper, flicking the threads from its seams out of his teeth with his tongue. Bryce scratched the top of Bobby's head. He looked up at her, then saw her arm... "Bobby." Bryce grabbed his face again and forced him to look at her. "It's ok, I'm fine." Tears streamed down Bobby's face as he begun to whimper. "Oh sweetheart..." Bryce pulled him into a hug. He kept the shredded remains of her jacket sleeve in his mouth and scratched at the rest of the jacket to stop himself from scratching her back. "Shhh..." she stroked the back of his head and back, feeling his trembling body start to melt. His animalistic whimpers slowly blended into much more human sounding sobs. His claws finally retracted. He buried his face into the side of Bryce's neck and wrapped his arms around her body.

"IM SORRY BRYCE! IM SO FUCKING SORRY!" He screamed into Bryce's shoulder. She hugged him back just as hard and shushed him. They stayed there for a while, holding each other, Bobby letting every ounce of trapped fear and guilt loose. His tears flooded down his cheeks and onto Bryce's back. He eventually pulled away and covered his reddened eyes with his hands. Bobby continued to repeat through his shaken breath "I'm so-orry, I-I'm s-" Bryce grabbed his wrists and slowly pulled them from his face so he could see her face, just as warm as when she first walked into the room. They decided not to go to the amusement park, instead spending the rest of the night at Bobby's place. Bobby fished out his old first aid kit to tend to Bryce's wounds, giving every scratch and slash a soft kiss before he bandaged it. Bryce insisted they didn't hurt a bit, even though she'd been in quite a lot of pain the entire time, but he didn't need to know that. When it got to bandaging her arm, Bryce could hear Bobby's quiet shuddered breathing as he cleaned the blood, gave it a kiss, and begin wrapping it. "I'm so sorry, Bryce..." Bobby said for the final time. Bryce grabbed Bobby's hand and kissed his knuckles.

"You're forgiven, Bobby. And you always will be"

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