Part 2

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Brine's fighting skills had improved a lot and was hopeful in the idea to fight beside his father someday, but he also had a feeling that he needed to find his true family. Brine told his mother about the feeling he got and she said: "If you feel you need to go, then go but write back to us okay". Brine didn't know what to say, so he just went to his room to pack his stuff. His mother and father gave him money for the boat and some extra just in case.

Sarah decided to tell them her name but they just asked if that was a name. She was confused when they asked, but the young lady, now wearing blue, said it was a lovely name and that hers was Fall. Sarah ended up playing with Leo only minutes after the conversation. The game they were playing was called hide-n-seek. Sarah didn't know how to play the game, so she didn't know the game was called what you do in it at first but found out later on. She decided to be the hider so Leo was the seeker. When Leo started to count, Sarah ran off to find a good spot to hide. She came to a stop to look around for somewhere to hide. She spotted houses, trees, and bushes Sarah thought that there was no good hiding spot until she saw it. The perfect spot to hide in. Sarah decided to hide there just as she did Leo stopped counting and got to looking for Sarah. Sarah crawled down a small cave that was big enough for her to crawl through but ended up forgetting about the game due to a purple light at the end of the tunnel she was hiding in.

Sarah finally found the other side, and what she found was shocking. Sarah saw a portal. Where did it go? Sarah asked herself if it leads to a candy land or a jungle of horror. She decided to leave it alone as Leo called for her. As Sarah crawled out she wondered about it. Sarah has won the game, and now it was time to go to work. They traveled to a big pond nearby. It was beautiful-looking, with the flowers and blueberries by the water. Sarah ran a little way to the barriers when suddenly, she stopped. Sarah noticed there was a boy who wandered to the barriers with a small basket. Sarah didn't recognize the boy from her village so she hid behind Leo. Leo sat down by the pond and grabbed a fishing rod, Sarah grabbed one too and started to fish.

Brine was fishing but later stopped to dock the boat to scout the new land and all its glory. He found eight villages on the island. When Brine passed by a market he saw many seeds he had never seen before and bought them. Brine decided to stay at the village to learn how to grow them. An hour passed before he took a small nap to recover from all the work he did, and from being on that boat for so long. It was the best nap Brine has had since he started the boat trip.

Sarah almost got yanked into the pond by a huge fish but lucky for her Leo grabbed her before she hit the water. Leo took the fishing rod and pulled a big catfish out of the water. As Leo puts it in the bucket next to him, he says "That's the biggest fish that anyone has ever pulled out of this pond." Sarah was happy she was the one who caught the fish. She looked over at Leo and her fish in curiosity to see if the boy was still there and he was. Picking blueberries by the pond. Leo looked behind him to see what she was looking at and saw the boy, he then went over to help the child pick berries. Sarah decides to help too. The young boy looked nice with his black hair and blue eyes. After a minute or two, the boy grabbed his basket and said thank you with a smile and walked off, back into the direction which he came from, with a wave goodbye. Sarah and Leo then went back to town to show their friends the big catfish they caught. As soon as they walked into town Sarah yelled "I caught a fish!" with a big smile on her face. Leo, unlike Sarah, didn't yell, instead, he smiled as he walked to Jake with the smelly fish and laughed as he made Jake kiss the fish. Jake pushed Leo and ran from him along with his fish. Sarah started to laugh her head off because of Leo and Jake.

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