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"How my Butterfly turned Crimson?" asked Hua cheng in deep voice looking at them with an intense.

"What do you mean by that?" asked Lan xichen.

"How my Butterfly turned Crimson?" asked Hua cheng as he looked scary.

"On its own!" replied Wei wuxian bluntly not liking the attitude of Hua cheng.

"A-niang touched it out of curiosity! After being touched it's suddenly turned Crimson!" said Lan sizhui.

Hualian and Shi qingxuan looked shocked as their eyes got widen.

Hua cheng suddenly grabbed Wei wuxian's hand, forcefully making him touch his butterfly. Before anyone could react Silver butterfly again turned into Crimson one.

Hua cheng looked broken as his grip loosed on Wei wuxian's hand. Wei wuxian hurriedly freed his hand.

"How is that even possible?" questioned Shi qingxuan in horrer.

"A-ying!" called Xie lian as a tear escaped his eyes.

Wei wuxian looked at Xie lian in confusion as he never told them his birth name.

"A-ying! Y-You are my a-ling!" Xie lian out of sudden hugged Wei wuxian and starting to cry even harder.

The Cultivators was confused even Wei wuxian didn't understand anything but one thing that, seeing the older male crying was making him feel hurt.

Xie lian was sobbing on Wei wuxian's shoulder while Wei wuxian was still frozed before unconsciously he started to patted Xie lian's back.

Lan zhan clenched his feasts staring at them.

"Xie-gongzi!" called Wei wuxian after some time as noticed that the older male stopped crying but still sobbing lightly on his shoulder.

Xie lian slowly leaved Wei wuxian since a thing got stuck on his mind. He fastly stood up and run from there toward outside.

Hua cheng, Shi qingxuan and Cultivators also leave after him even though Wei wuxian hesitate for a second.


"Speak!" shouted Xie lian placing his sword at Baoshan sanren's neck. She was still tied up by zidian.

Everyone also reached there including Feng xin and Mu qing who were coming out of guest rooms as they saw Xie lian was holding his sword by Baoshan sanren's neck.

"Hahaha! How pathetic you are Xie lian" exclaimed Baoshan sanren after a chuckle as she enjoyed the miserable look on his face.

"You know my a-ying! How? You tried to kill him!" yelled Xie lian looking all miserable.

Hua cheng went and hugged him. Shi qingxuan took out something from a pouch and forcefully feed it to Baoshan sanren.

"Now she wont able to disobey!" exclaimed Shi qingxuan as she did feed her an magical herb called 'Honestly herb', which make the consumer unable to disobey and speak any lie.

"Why did you tried to kill a-xian?" asked Shi qingxuan.

Everyone watched with an attentiveness excluded Feng xin and Mu qing who were confused about everything but didn't interfere.

"Because... he is... Xie lian son!" replied Baoshan sanren while coughing blood. She was forced to reply because of the herb.

Everyone eyes got widen and Wei wuxian frosted.

"I-It's n-not true!" mumbled Wei wuxian loudly unconsciously not even blinking but freezed over on the spot.

"How do you know?" asked Shi qingxuan in disbelief.

"I-i... abducted... him!" replied Baoshan sanren with difficulty.

"A-ying died!" exclaimed Feng xin without even realising the situation.

"How come he is a-ying?" asked Mu qing.

"He... didn't died! T-That... was an... replica!" replied Baoshan sanren as she coughed insane amount of blood since she was trying her best not to reply.

"You are lying my parents are Wei changze and Cangse sanren!" Shouted Wei wuxian in disbelief.

"C-Cangse sanren... stoled you... from me!" exclaimed Baoshan sanren.

"How is that even possible a-ying died infront of our eyes!" exclaimed Mu qing with sadness.

"T-That was... an replica... I-i created... that!" exclaimed Baoshan sanren as her condition was going worse.

"How did you abducted him?" asked Hua cheng as his eyes turned red and dark energy started to surround them from far.

"A-After you... left him in... r-room, I... c-changed him with... replica!" replied Baoshan sanren trembling hard.

"R-Resentment energy didn't eaten up a-ying?" questioned Xie lian looked broken.

"N-No! I purposely... t-triggered the... Resentment energy t-there... so that you... will t-think he d-died............ B-Because of your... H-Husband!" replied Baoshan sanren who was now lying on the ground, wet with her own blood.

Everyone looked shocked there and even more the Cultivators who barely getting anything.

"He is a-ying?" asked Xie lian as he wanted to confirm over and over again since he can't believe it.

"Y-Yes! Hua Ying..." replied Baoshan sanren in faint voice and she finally closed her eyes.

There was nothing but dead silence. No one was moving from their places. The dark energy was clearly surrounding Cloud recesses.

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