a snowy night

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(thanks for taking interest in this fic enough to give it a try. thanks and enjoy:) 

(Maomao's POV)

I wake up to the cold wind brushing my cheek. ah- I've left the window open. how clumsy of me- I should probably go back to sleep; nah, never mind; I'm taking a walk- a bit of snow won't hurt. 

I walk around the mansion; the snow falls like a soft blanket around the grounds- dang it; a pity I couldn't find any alcohol..

wait. who's that...? at this time of night? I thought I'd be the only one who decided on a midnight stroll...gotta be careful. I tread across the snow, careful not to make a noise- until I step on a branch, and the figure turns their head- shit. 

(Jinshi's POV) 

something keeps me awake. I've been at stupid paperwork for hours today- more than usual. it's long since I finished- but, I still can't sleep. I've sent Gaoshun away for the night- he needs his rest, after all. he was reluctant, but I assured him I'd be fine. 

If I can't do anything about this situation...might as well take a walk. Suiren might scold me if I catch a cold...but, it doesn't matter; I'll be wearing a fur coat anyways. I put on a fur coat and stroll out the door. it's cold- and snowing. huh- looks like it's been snowing for quite a while. 

I brush the snow off of a nearby bench, and sit down. looks like I'll be alone tonight- 

....? I feel the presence of another person, and turn my head at a sound. 

"who's there?" 


"who's there?"- the figure talks; that voice is oddly familiar...ah, crap; it's Jinshi. hell's he doing at this time..? 

"....it's just me, sir. Maomao."

shit- encountering this childish man at this hour was not part of my plan. 

I step out into the moonlight. nothing worse can happen now....


oh. it's the apothecary. such a coincidental meeting...might as well try and talk.

"and what are you doing out at this time of night? also having a nighttime stroll?"

I ask, putting on my charismatic smile. 


oh great. there he goes again with him trying to be seductive- it may work on most others, but not me. 

"....yes. I woke up, and decided there was no harm in doing so."

I answer curtly; no need to appear interested. especially for him. I shiver as a cold breeze rakes across my face. I forgot to wear a coat...I better make my way back to my room quick. catching a cold will certainly not help my circumstances..


...so. she coincidentally decided to take a walk in the same moment as me, huh..? interesting. well, I'm taking the chance.

"why don't you take a seat? right- here." I brush away the snow next to me on the bench I'm sitting on. 


...shit. he's practically asking for me to sit next to him..? it would be considered rude for me to refuse, and besides, who knows how much he'd bug me later if I refuse?

"...of course, sir."

I walk to the bench, and sit down. It's starting to get colder...


.....yes- she did so! although clearly annoyed-

....is she cold? 

I sigh, then take off my coat and drape it on her. 


..? he put the coat on me..? what- 

"..Jinshi-sama- please, you wear the coat- it'll be harder for me to take care of you if you catch a cold-"

I've certainly not expected this- it's warm. much better....he's probably going to catch a cold, though;;


...ah; is she actually worried about me..? sheesh, it's cold. still, it's worth it..

"it's alright; I care more for your health than mine- plus, it'll be fine; I'm probably not going to catch a cold-"

so much for confidence; I sneeze almost immediately after that sentence. aw, now she's looking at me weirdly...


damn it. he's probably already caught a cold... I'm going to have to listen to his whining tomorrow-...but, this is a surprisingly thoughtful move on his part. 

"...I insist you wear it.." 

I at least have to try and convince him to get it back on. 


awww- she actually cares!! *heppy Jinshi*

" no, really. it's fine- really. you can take it with you. think of it as a gift. now, I assume you should be heading back? we have much to do tomorrow, after all."

really- I should excuse her. heavens know how long she was out here for..


...finally, I can go back..

"...thank you, sir; I'll be leaving now...please, head back in as well, for your health."

I guess I'm excused now. better make my way back...

I turn around, bow, and walk back to my quarters, the coat still wrapped around me warmly.

(Jinshi's POV)

I watch as she leaves, looking elegant as always- at least, in my eyes. 

I better go back in...although it's probably too late; I've probably already caught a cold...

.....can't wait to see her again tomorrow. 


thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed it, and a part 2 will be coming out soon :)

-.p.s. Jinshi does catch a cold. 

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