Whats will be on the other side?

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Jack Farewell woke up in an all-white room. He didn't know what kind of place it was or how he got here. The only thing he remembered was walking through the construction site, heading to the workplace. He stood up and looked around. No windows, doors, cracks or the like. Just a white room.Suddenly, a rectangular section of one of the walls slid aside, revealing a long, dark and narrow corridor. The guy stood motionless for about a minute. All sorts of thoughts were confused in my head: "What if this is a trap? Where does this tunnel lead? Who opened it?" etc. With no other choice, Jack entered the tunnel. When he reached the end, he unlocked a steel door, such as they put on fire escapes in high-rise buildings and offices. And indeed, when he entered the door, he found himself in the office. Although there were no people in it, the sounds of conversations, the clacking of keys, the rustle of paper and other everyday noise peculiar to offices were clearly audible. Walking through the office, the guy saw a large panoramic window. There was nothing behind it but a dull blackness. No sky, no stars, no earth.When he reached the opposite wall, Jack noticed that the voices were fading. Feeling someone's eyes on him, he turned around. Behind him, about 15 feet away, stood a large paper figure of a ridiculously sculpted man. She staggered and throbbed as if she were alive. "What the fuck?! She wasn't here a few minutes ago!" the guy had time to think.At that moment, the paper something abruptly stepped forward and chased after the lost one. Literally knocking out the dilapidated door, Jack ran with all his might along the new corridor, now spacious, but illuminated by red emergency lights. The end of the corridor was not visible. There were open doors everywhere on the sides, but as soon as a guy approached them, they immediately slammed shut. Meanwhile, the creature did not lag behind, but on the contrary, seemed to accelerate with every foot. And at the end of the red corridor, there was an unlocked door, from which a bright white light was oozing. Jack ran into it without hesitation. The next moment he found himself in the same white room, the door behind him instantly turned into a wall. The guy immediately fell to the floor, breathing heavily and sobbing with fatigue."What did she want from me? What did she want?" There were many more questions lurking in the wanderer's head, but only these he managed to make out in a huge mess of pop-up thoughts.Exactly the same as the last time, the tunnel opened, at the end there is also a door, but already wooden, with ornaments carved on it. The guy caught his breath and thought, "Do I have a choice?" and walked down the corridor again.When he reached the end, he unlocked the door. Instead of an office space, there was a cozy rustic living room filled with antique furniture and decorative elements. There was only 1 way out of the living room, except back to the white cube: a steel fire door located in the corner of the room. After sitting on the couch in the center of the room for a couple of minutes, Jack got up again and walked through the door. Here the guy completely lost touch with the world. Outside the door there were 5 snow-white roads leading to the same 5 fire doors. The space outside the roads and doors seemed to not exist. Everything was in darkness, emptiness. The door slammed shut from behind. There was nothing around her either. After standing for half an hour, the guy chose to go to the central door. As soon as he stepped onto the path leading to the door he needed, the rest of the doors and the paths to them crumbled into small pieces. The same thing happened with the door leading to this place. Entering the remaining door, the wanderer found himself in an old castle, lined with stone cobblestones and decorated with antique tapestries, under each of which there was a table with a candelabra on it. Armed with a candelabra, Jack walked slowly along the corridor. There were no doors anywhere, no windows either, just a corridor that seemed to lead into eternity. After a few minutes, or several hours, the lost one completely lost track of time, an iron door was visible at the end of the corridor. Old, rusty and as if decaying before our eyes. After unlocking it, the guy was illuminated with white light again, as in the red corridor. Entering the passage, blinded by the bright light, the guy got on a yellow platform made of a material resembling plastic. There were many similar tiles in front of him, and only at the end on one of the platforms, painted in red, was an ordinary hospital door visible. Having no other way out, he started jumping from one platform to another. Suddenly, a creature appeared on one of the platforms from behind, far resembling a paper something from an office room. The only difference was that this creature seemed to be buggy, like a recording on an old camera. It was constantly divided and overflowed with interference. Knowing that this would lead to nothing good, the wanderer continued to jump on the platforms as fast as possible. The creature caught up with him pretty quickly and almost caught up with him. And so, on the last platform, Jack stumbled and hung on the edge of a white abyss. Something stopped and just laughed at him, watching his attempts to get up. The guy's hands, wet with sweat, slipped off the edge and he was rapidly falling into the abyss.

In the hospital, medics rushed over a man screaming in delirium and kicking in convulsions. A concrete slab fell on him while working on a construction site. But, no matter how they tried, Jack Farewell died of blood loss.

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