Chapter 25- The Cube

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"Docks don't look heavily guarded." Chaeyeon says after looking through a telescope at the bow of the ferry boat. There was obviously still security, but nothing more than they were used to.

"That doesn't really mean anything though. The androids can hide in plain sight." Sakura replies, not looking convinced.

"I guess that means we're going with plan B." Eunbi decides. "Hyewon, go get the others to the lifeboats."


"Are you sure this is safe? I don't think Yujin's old enough to drive yet." Yena quips as she steps onto the inflatable raft. Her smile was quickly wiped away though by spray of ocean water.

"And I thought ducks were waterproof." The puppy jokes back, snickering to herself from another orange boat.

"Didn't cross your mind to not mess around with a water user in the middle of the ocean?" Yuri mutters rhetorically before taking a seat next to Yena whose clothes were drenched for the second time that day. After about another minute, all twelve girls were finally split between three lifeboats. With a swipe from a couple of Hyewon's ice shards, the ropes they were using to tether the vessels were cut, and the group was now on their own.

"Uhm... just making sure. Sea monsters don't exist, right?" Minjoo asks nervously looking down into the ocean below.

"We know more about space than we do about the ocean, so we can't rule out that possibility." Nako replies to scare the brunette, and it evidently worked as Minjoo was now clinging onto Chaewon tightly.

"So, how does this work? We don't have any oars to row." Hitomi asks, the ferry already too far away for them to change their minds.

"How it works is you hold on." Yujin says with a wink before controlling the waves to jet the three lifeboats around the coast as if there were motors attached to them.


After about five minutes of the other girls screaming, holding on for dear life or a mix of both, Yujin finally directed them to a beach on the east side of the island that looked pretty secluded.

"Okay... now I know how you girls feel when I'm carrying y'all while running." Chaeyeon says through a cough.

"Never give Yujin a license..." Yena mumbles while clutching her stomach.

"You're welcome again, girls." The puppy replies with a sly grin before Eunbi calls everyone's attention.

"Alright everyone, from here, we'll be trekking through the forest to the middle of the island. Try not to be seen by anyone because we don't know who's an android and who isn't at this point." The leader says. "Kkura, you sense anything?"

"Mmm, yes. Technological disturbance big enough to get my attention from this far gives a 99% chance that it's connected to KYB." The tech-girl replies.

"That means we're on the right track then. Dust yourselves off, girls. We're one step closer to ending this whole mess." Eunbi encourages after seeing some of the members already a bit tired.

"She's right, let's do this!" Yujin cheers, her powers keeping her from feeling seasick like the others were.

"Does she know that we still need Kkura-unnie to lead the way?" Hyewon asks after Yujin bolted towards the forest without any extra thought.

"Probably forgot already. Let's go catch up." Wonyoung sighs, and with that, the squad was in motion.


Back at PD Campus...

"I said that Saerom-unnie said that Officer Hwang said that KYB moved up the attack to this afternoon!" Rei says when Gaeul and Leeseo both stare at her incredulously.

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