2. "Who's Erika?"

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"IS HE OKAY?" One of the Aphrodite kids said as almost everyone in the camp surrounded the boy with blonde curly hair and blue eyes.

"Alone?" One of the Ares kids said as they found out about Minotaur's death.

"How is that possible?" Another Ares kid mumbled.

Erika, Erika Lovelace, who was the daughter of Ares, Shoved people away to get a better look of The Minotaur killer, Her best friend, Annabeth, was next to her.

"Move." Erika spat, shoving an unclaimed kid away as she tried to get a better look of the boy. And there she saw him; Blonde curly hair and Blue eyes. "Is he like.... dead or something?" She asked an Apollo kid. "Oh." She said as the Apollo kid nodded, saying no.

"He must be the one." Annabeth said to Erika, Her cousin as she was the daughter of Athena, and Erika is the daughter of Ares. Two gods who were siblings but didn't have much liking towards each other.

"Hush, Annabeth." Mr Brunner said, "He's waking. Everyone, give him some space, please." By that, the campers moved out the boy's way, The boy just saw a man with their lower body of a horse, looking at him. "Welcome to camp, Percy Jackson. We've been expecting you."

The boy closed his eyes again, Of course, Erika walked up to the boy and gently held his wrist to check his breathing.

"He's alright. I'm gonna drop him off to the infirmary, Is anyone gonna help or not?" Erika said, wrapping the boy's arm around the back of her neck as she made the boy stand up.

"Aw, Erika, are you being a kind girl for once?" An unclaimed kid mocked.

"Are you finally getting claimed?" Erika responded as Annabeth just gently slapped her hand to shut her up.

Annabeth took his another hand as they both took the boy to the infirmary, making him lay on the bed as they backed up from him. "He actually doesn't seem bad." Annabeth said as she began walking out. Erika, however, stood there, watching the boy sleep.

"How were you able to kill a Minotaur?" Erika mumbled, looking down at him as she looked at a bruise on his arm. She sighed, taking a bandaid as she placed it on his hand.

Erika saw the boy opening his eyes, Percy couldn't really figure out who was watching him, but he sure knew it was a girl. Due to the thunder, It was hard for him to look at her. "Where am I?" Percy asked, looking at the girl.

"You drool when you sleep." Erika responded as a joke. "Just take some rest." She added, looking at the boy whose eyes slowly closed.

In the morning, Percy woke up to see Grover sitting on a chair by his side. "It's okay, You're safe." Grover said. Percy didn't say anything, but he looked at the broken horn of the minotaur.

"It really happened." Percy spoke.

"Well, it's a big deal to kill a monster like that." Grover responded, looking back at Percy. "So, I wanted everyone to know -"

"Did you see it?" Percy asked, looking at Grover. "Did you see what happened to my mom?"

"I did." Grover responded softly. "I'm sorry.. for.. everything." He added, taking a few pauses after a word. "My job was to protect you, to get you here safely. Maybe if I'd told you the truth w little sooner, your mom would still be here -"

"Please.." Percy interrupted. "Stop."

"I know this isn't easy, but I wanna talk about it."

"I don't." Percy responded to Grover as he got up and slid his pants on. "Your job was to get me here alive. So your job is done.

୨⎯ The Daughter of Ares ⎯ ୧ ☾P. JACKSON x FEM OC☽Where stories live. Discover now