On Same-Sex Marriage

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On Same-Sex Marriage

By Lisbeth Coiman

A note on same-sex marriage:

I have lived 26 years in civil union with the same man. If anything were to happen to me or to him, we have the right to claim insurance, surviving benefits, and pensions. If any of us were to become incapable of deciding for his/her life, we have the right, given by law, to ask and answer medical questions of vital importance, make life and death decisions for each other. We have earned that trust living together for 26 years, raising two kids.

Why is it any different for gay couples? Why can't they have the same rights that I have? I don't care about marriage at all, different sex or same sex. Who cares? That is not what makes a relationship or decides the love between two individuals. I care about my rights, and the rights of those in situations like mine, never married, lived together for so many years, heterosexual couples like us, or lesbian couples or gay couples. However, many people like their white dresses, and their wedding cakes, and their vows, lesbians and gays included. Who am I to say my holy book says you can't have a wedding cake?

Since I don't read the bible, nor care about a god or a heaven or a hell, I don't see why people develop a headache about what the bible says or doesn't say. You live with your god and your holy book, and we live with our law and and our holy books. The problem is that many people wear their halos too tight, and they tend to get headaches over everybody else's morals and values. Mine do not come out of a book written in the Dark Ages by a group of mysoginistic monks.

I live and let live, and let people love whomever they want.

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