𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 ᅳ 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐜𝐤

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Impatience mixed with worry crept into Dawn's bones as she knocked for the fifth time and no one answered

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Impatience mixed with worry crept into Dawn's bones as she knocked for the fifth time and no one answered. She heard Violet crying, which was not unusual for a newborn, and the excitement inside her increased by the second to finally meet her niece.

Since she couldn't be there when Sage gave birth as planned due to work restrictions, she finally made it to Charming four days later. Tired from the long drive and bored with the quiet area, she had hoped to finally get something funny to do by relieving Happy and her sister of some work and spending time with her niece.

If only she knew how much she would want the boredom back.

"Sage, I'm getting worried here!", the eldest Trager sister shouted, hoping that not all the neighbors were nosy.

Happy's bike was nowhere, not even in the garage, which was open so Dawn could take a look inside. That meant Sage had to be alone. As much as Dawn hated to do this, she let her bag slide from her shoulder and rummaged around for her keys, which also contained a spare key for the house that Happy and Sage had given her shortly after moving in.

There was a chance that something could still happen so soon after giving birth and as loud as Violet's crying was, Sage should've still heard her knock at some point.

With an uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach, Dawn entered the house and set her bag down in the hallway, shoving the keys into the pocket of her jeans as she walked towards the living room.

She stopped dead in her tracks, her eyes wide and a hand over her mouth. The dark-haired woman studied the scene in front of her in shock. How her youngest sister lay on the ground, her face covered in blood and some of her hair soaked in the thick liquid.

Fawn's face wasn't recognizable, but Dawn recognized her sister at first glance. After all, she had known Fawn for twenty-six years. Her gaze now wandered to where Sage sat. With her legs bent and her arms resting on them, the redhead motionlessly stared at the wall, her hands covered in, quite possibly, Fawn's blood.

Some of the almost dried, red liquid also stuck to her face and her ginger hair. Sage was in shock, Dawn realized that without having to look at her sister twice and once the initial shock had worn off on her, she rushed towards Sage and crouched down.

"What the hell happened?", she asked carefully, yet with a demanding tone as she pushed some strands of hair out of Sage's pale face. "What have you done, Sage?"

No answer, no look, nothing. Sage continued to just stare at the wall, as if she hadn't even noticed that Dawn had come in.

"Fuck!" The eldest Trager cursed under her breath before sliding across the floor and checking for her youngest sister's pulse. "She's alive...that's a good thing", she murmured to herself.

Not because she was a huge fan of Fawn. Let's be honest, Fawn had never really been a sister to Dawn and Sage. Nevertheless, Dawn was glad that Fawn was still aliveᅳ anything else would have caused huge problems. Especially for Sage and the dark-haired woman wanted to spare her sister that.

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