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Verenzio Varni

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Verenzio Varni.
29 years old
Don of the Italian mafia

Ramirez Varni28 years old Second in command"Torturous monster"

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Ramirez Varni
28 years old
Second in command
"Torturous monster"

Ramirez Varni28 years old Second in command"Torturous monster"

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Marlon Varni
23 years old
Genuis & hacker
"Evil genuis"

Marlon Varni23 years oldGenuis & hacker "Evil genuis"

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Mason Varni
23 years old
"Murderous beater"

Mason Varni23 years oldFighter "Murderous beater"

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Ricario Varni
21 years old
"Sadistic doctor"

Ricario Varni21 years old doc"Sadistic doctor"

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Romeo Varni
18 years old
"Deadly driver"

Romeo Varni18 years old Sniper"Deadly driver"

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Yawa Varni
16 years old
"Mute killer"


Other family members:

- mother Alise Smith (dead)

-father William Varni (dead)

-uncle Jake Smith <— single (dies)

-uncle Alejandro Varni (49)

his wife Melanie Varni (48)

their kids:

Alex (29)

Cole (26)

Elijah (25) 

Noah (23)


Lucas (19)

-aunt Eliz Varni (44)

her husband Rahim Varni (47)

their kids:

Ace (22)

Kevin (20)

Oliver (18)

Liam (17)


Gustavo (16)



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