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Pained wails shook the air, screams echoing throughout the entire park. That sound... it was the world destroying sound of someone whose heart had just been ripped right out their chest.

Not a soul stopped to see if the source was okay, parents picking up their children and hurrying out of the park and away from the heart wrenching destruction. Yet the source didn't even care and her wails grew more violent, tendrils of bright pink wisps snapping due to her grief.

They pulsed dangerously throughout the entire park, making multiple beings tense from every part of the world. Each and every one dropped what they were doing, following the source and praying to the non-extant god that the power wouldn't fade...

The distraught girl's power kept whipping around her, winding up and coating her body in a light pink glow. The weather shifted, the sunny, bright sky turning dark with gray clouds... clouds that looked just about to cry along with her.

The entire world was mourning with this girl- the planet was responding to her grief.

"You need to calm down," A voice rang out, making the girl lift her head and turn to face the sound. Standing in front of her was a tall man who looked strangely familiar; he had short black hair, dark gray eyes, was 6'4" and dressed in black slacks and a button down.

The girl sniffled, "B-but I-I can't..." tears continued to fall down her cheeks, making the stains even more prominent. Her hands fisted tighter in the ground, pulling up mounds of grass, her clothes already stained. "T-they're all gone!!!"

"No, they're not," the man crouched down in front of the girl, making cerulean blue eyes clash against his oryx ones. "Your family is not gone, Shikon Miko."

Her eyes widened, "H-how do you know that? U-unless..." a relieved smile appeared on the girl's face, a weight being lifted from her heart. "T-they're not dead? Y-you mean it?"

The unknown male nodded, and another wave of tears began to fall from her eyes- though this time, there was a large smile on her face.

And that was the day Kagome Higurashi met Takashi Morinozuka. 

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