Chapter 1

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Just a quick introduction. I will continue uploading the chapters on March once I complete my other two books unless I get requests to get this updated. 😉

5 y/o Seokjin kept on crying while he rode the car of his grandfather. The old man tried to calm him down but he totally understood the child's situation.

He just lost both his parents due to a car accident and right now, he is being taken away from his hometown.

"Son, you will live in a bigger place soon." His grandfather said.

"I want eomma and appa." He said while crying.

"I understand how much you miss them, but your grandfather will take care of you from now on." He said to Seokjin.

It was 2 hours drive away from his hometown and he fell asleep when his grandfather took him to his arms, with tears in his eyes.

"I promise to take care of you, Seokjinnie." His grandfather said.

Kim Heechul woke his grandson as soon as they arrived at his place.

"This will now be your new home." He said as he assisted him down his car.

The place was bigger than a mansion, Seokjin thought. His eyes grew wide seeing the whole place with a big garden and a driveway. It's as if they were transported to a different place.

"You are home, Master Kim." A group of men in black suit greeted them. "Welcome, Master Kim."

"Jeon, I need to talk to your son." Heechul said to his right hand man.

"He is currently on training. Jichung, please tell Jungkook that master is looking for him."

"Yes, sir." The man said and ran fast towards the house.

"This is my grandson, Seokjin. He will be treated as a master as well in this household. Please make sure that he will be taken care of and be watched with his every move."

"This is noted, Heechul-hyung."

Seokjin followed his grandfather as they walked inside the house. It was bigger inside and he was overwhelmed by the doors of the house.

They went upstairs and stopped in a particular room with a big brown door. It's not just a single door but two doors. Seokjin thinks that the room inside is bigger because of the doors.

Heechul opened the door for him and his eyes were saucer-wide when he saw what was inside. He hugged his rabbit toy tighter when he saw a big bed in the middle of the room with a lot of toys fixed on the side.

"Seokjin-ah, this will be your room from now on." His grandfather said with a smile.

Seokjin hid his face on his plushie as he went inside.

As soon as he laid his hand on the bed, a boy who's older than him by probably 10 years came running and bowed to his grandfather.

"Master Kim!" He said then remained in that position.

"Jungkook-ah! Stand up, son. Nice to see you doing your best to train. This is my grandson, Seokjin. I want you to always stay by his side from now on." Heechul said.

Jungkook smiled at Seokjin then bowed as well to him.

"I will always be by your side, Seokjin-ssi."

Seokjin then started crying. "I want my eomma and appa."

Jungkook, not knowing what to do, carried him up. "I will be your eomma and appa from now on."

"B-but you're just a boy. Y-you look more like a Hyung." Seokjin said.

"Then I'll also be your hyung." Jungkook said, putting Jin on his shoulder.

Heechul and Jeon Jaeun, Jungkook's father, then left Jungkook and Jin in the room.

"What are your thoughts, Jaeun?"

"I think Jungkook can very well take care of him." Jaeun answered.

"I hope he'll find peace and will recover soon. I will not stop looking for the people who killed my son and daugther-in-law. I am sure that they will also target Seokjin. Please make sure that Jungkook will never leave his side."

"I'll make sure of that, Heechul-hyung."

They then closed the door and let the two play together.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now