Gems Like These.

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Golf Ball quickly ran over to Tennis Ball with a genius idea, though she always has some genius it seems. "TENNIS BALL! TENNIS BALL!" Tennis Ball turned to Golf Ball as quick as he could, almost falling over "Uh yeah, Golf Ball?" While trying to keep his balance. "I just got an idea! you know how we are running out of bugs to use in my underground factory for experiments? well I suppose we use something else for our experiments now."

Tennis Ball looked a bit concerned, as there was not entirely a lot of things around here to use for testing things out, but anything in the name of science. "Well, what do you purpose?"
"I purpose we can use... them!" Golf Ball pointed her leg towards the others, directly. "WHAT? golf ball we can't use the other contestants for experiments!" Golf Ball sighed, "look I know TB it's a dangerous, and not exactly ideal idea, but come on! The number of things we can discover together if we were to!" 

Tennis ball was still unsure, and for a good reason. to be experimenting with other contestants? "I guess so, but won't the host notice we are gone, and the other contestants?" Golf Ball grinned, "not at all, we'll only take one of them each time! as for noticing. I've created PERFECT replacements for us, they won't even notice. Trust me TB! you trust me. don't you?" Golf Ball got extremely close up to Tennis Ball, "uh. of course, Golf Ball, why wouldn't I. Haha... ha?"

Golf ball backed off from Tennis Ball "Well, I think we should start with... ruby, she won't even suspect a thing practically, plus, you still need her yoyle light, right??" "And how will we do that exactly, just ask ruby to come down to your underground factory without any reason at all?" "Exactly TB! this is why you are second in line of the smartest, because I am obviously the first. now, go and get ruby! I'll be in my underground factory!" Golf Ball walked away going directly to her factory. 

Tennis Ball walked the opposite way, he was obviously suspect about this still, to recommend the other contestants after all, anything bad could happen unlike with any insects. Tennis Ball stopped, to see Book, Pencil and Ruby and Plus Ice cube, all chatting with each other "hey Ruby, can I borrow you for a second?" Ruby was going to say something before pencil got in front of Ruby "And what exactly do you want NON-ALLIANCER, hmm?" "I just need to borrow her for a... moment, trust me she'll come right back." Book then stepped in "this isn't about her yoyle light, is it?" "No no no it isn't you can trust me rightt?" All of them just stared at Tennis Ball, before Ruby backed book and pencil away "I'll come as long as I get a gift or something!" Ruby walked over to Tennis Ball, "uh, yes! you will get a gift, as long as you follow me!" Tennis Ball then walked back to the direction of the underground factory.

Book looked at Pencil, "do you really think that's what he wants Ruby for?" Pencil just sighed and rubbed her other arm. "I don't know, Book. but he better actually come back with Ruby. in the meantime, the challenge will probably start soon, so let's go to the challenge grounds!" Pencil and Ice cube walked, "I suppose..." Book looked back and forth, before following Pencil and Ice Cube to the challenge grounds.

Ruby felt her body get more weight, straps going over. "Where are we Tennis Ball? I should be getting ba-" A blindfold was lifted from Ruby's eyes, her eyes being closed for a moment before she opened them, looking around at where she was a bright light facing her eyes directly. A gray room with shelves and weird-looking machines, most had jars filled with bugs, or colored liquids. "Uh, this doesn't look like a gift for me at all. what is this?" 

Golf Ball got on top of a chair next to Ruby "you are in my underground factory! and don't worry, you'll get a gift after! probably." Golf Ball motioned with her leg for Tennis Ball to leave the room, and he did unsure of what Golf ball was going to do. "Now, Ruby!" she held up a syringe with a light purple liquid in it. "Uh I don't really like what is going on Golf Ball, this is scary..." And she wasn't kidding. Ruby was shaking, it was cold in the room and very Iriee. "Oh, really don't worry your poor soul. just keep your eye open!" Golf Ball latched on Soundproof headphones, before lifting the needle as high as she could. "Wait what do y-"

Golf Ball injected the syringe right into Ruby's eye, blood squirting out onto Golf Ball "egh! I'll need to clean this later," Golf Ball pressed her leg down stronger while Ruby was continuously screaming, although no one could actually hear her. Not even Tennis Ball. Which was perfect.
Golf Ball took the syringe out with a bit of struggle, especially since she didn't have any arms. Ruby tried to move her body around to get out of the straps that held her down. "If you struggle Ruby, it'll just hurt more! now then... if I mix, this one with the one I already injected, Let's see what happens." 

Golf Ball held another syringe up, "no- Golf Ball Wai-" Ruby wished Golf Ball would have resisted, but she only infected the other syringe in Ruby's eye once more, causing another scream of complete pain out of Ruby, Blood spurting out once more, Golf Ball let out a breath and took the syringe out again, throwing it in the nearby trash can. 

Ruby could only cry, not another noise wanted to peep out as she was terrified, "silence, perfect." Golf Ball hopped off the chair and grabbed a white rag, wiping off the blood from her face "I'll let you go after the challenge, how about that?" Golf ball walked to the door and opened it, reaching for the light switch "w-wait you are just going to leave me here? Golf Ball wai-" before Ruby could finish the door slammed behind golf ball, 

Ruby was then left in complete darkness while all the pain came from her left eye, it hurt so dear. she wishes she didn't follow Tennis Ball; she wishes she was with Book, Pencil. Ice Cube, anyone besides here doing the challenge with everyone else with the big bright star in the sky, only silent cries emitted as she closed her single eye she had left.

a pink red, lovely flower peeked out of the eye that once was.

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