the announcement

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"You're trending on Twitter again." You teased Taylor as you locked your phone and put it back in your bag. "Everyone thinks you're going to announce your version of reputation tonight."

"Yeah?" She smirked at you. "Just wait, darling. I have lots of surprises up my sleeve for tonight."

You furrowed your eyebrows at her.

Truthfully, you shouldn't have been surprised by that answer because that sounds exactly like how she would reply; very cryptic and inscrutable.

But you had to admit that it left you wondering what she had planned and it left you feeling a little on edge.

"You can tell me about whatever it is." You said as you cuddled up to her a little more. "I'm your girlfriend, you shouldn't keep secrets from me."

"Nice try, cutie." She grinned and playfully booped your nose. "You'll find out what I have planned along with everyone else. I'd tell you but I don't think you'd be able to contain your excitement and I want you to be surprised."

You pouted at her, hoping it would help change her mind because you know she can't help but cave when you pout at her.

However, she just smiled and pecked your lips to kiss it away.

"You'll just have to wait." She winked and held your hand tightly as you both listened to the next category being announced.

The Grammy for Best Pop Vocal Album was up and Taylor was nominated for it.

You had the feeling that she was going to win it as you squeezed her hand a little tighter and held your breath a little as you waited for her name to be spoken.

And just a few seconds later, it was.

Everyone stood up and you hugged Taylor tight before she leaned in for a kiss, smiling against your lips.

"Just wait." She winked at you before she went up on the stage.

Your heart was pounding against your chest as you waited to see what she had in store.

You didn't even try to hide how proud you were of her as you cheered loudly for her.

You were so in awe of her and it makes you so happy to see her hard work and talent continue to be recognized the way she deserves.

But Taylor loves to thank her fans in ways that most artists never do; by announcing huge things out of the blue, just because she loves them.

And this was no different.

Because after saying a few words, the announcement that she had up her sleeve for tonight was finally about to be said.

"I want to say thank you to the fans by telling you a secret that I've been keeping from you for the last two years..."

People were starting to cheer and grow excited and antsy as your girlfriend looked over her grammy, brushing her fingers across it as she continued to tease what she had up her sleeve.

You could hardly contain yourself at this point.

Practically bouncing on your feet, you continued to gaze at her.

She looked over at you as she continued to speak.

"Which is that my brand new album..."

As soon as those three words left her lips, you gasped in surprise.

You had the feeling that she was going to tease something tonight.

But a brand new album was certainly not expected.

"Comes out April nineteenth. It's called," She paused again, a happy giggle falling from her lips as she listened to everyone in the crowd join you in being unable to control themselves and their excitement. "It's called the tortured poets department!"

She threw one of her hands in the air with a big happy smile and you just stood there with your jaw dropped in shock.

"Thank you!" She said before walking off stage.

You couldn't believe it.

Just like that, another brand-new album had been announced.

You had so many thoughts you didn't even know where to begin.

Taylor returned to your side after a couple of minutes with a bright smile.

You threw your arms around her as she sat down and stared at her in utter disbelief.

"Are you okay there, darling?" She teased as she playfully elbowed you.

"How could you not tell me? Again?" You asked and playfully elbowed her in return.

She giggled before kissing your cheek and taking your hand into hers.

"Did you see your face, baby? I wanted you to be that surprised. It always makes me so happy to see you react like that."

"Well, I can react just as surprised when you tell me in secret before you tell the rest of the world." You said and she shook her head with a laugh.

"Okay. Next time, I'll tell you. I promise." She said as she held your hand.

"I'm just teasing you, baby. I promise." You assured. "I love you and I'm proud of you. Truly, I am."

"Thanks, my love." She said as she pulled you into her arms, her lips softly brushing across your head.

You smiled as you basked in the warm feeling she brought you as happiness overwhelmed you.

Leaning against her, you just enjoyed being with her, despite everyone else in the room and the eyes on you.

You just love her.

So much.

But then, your eyes opened and you looked up at her with your eyebrows furrowed as something came back to you.

"Wait... did you say you kept this album a secret for two years?"

She laughed and nodded her head at you, causing you to gasp again as you pulled away and began to ask her to tell you more because you were just so excited to experience yet another new era by her side.

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