Chapter 3

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"Where is Kookie?" Seokjin asked Namjoon when he did not see Jungkook anywhere. Today is his seminar to Seoul University and usually Jungkook will accompany him. He won't usually go out without Jungkook.

"He was given a special mission by Mr. Kim." Namjoon answered while opening the car door for Jin.

"More special than me?" Jin said in a pout. "I'll be leaving in a few days for the University and he won't even spend the days with me?"

"I am sure that you are more special than the mission, Jinnie."

Seokjin just pouted. "You're just saying that because he's your friend." He said then sat inside the car.

"If you only know." Namjoon said when he closed the door. He then rode to the front seat of the car while Jimin drove them to the school.

It was more than 2 hours drive to Seoul University and Seokjin fell asleep on their way. He was woken up by Namjoon when they arrived and he was still dizzy when he looked at the place.

"Are we here now?" He asked while stretching.

"Yes, Jinnie. We'll wait for you here at exactly 2:00 PM. We'll just check the suite that your grandfather bought for you." Jimin said.

"Okay, Jimin-hyung. Thank you. Please eat before you come back here." He said to them.

He saw a lot of students coming in and out of the place. He got scared as this is the first time he'll be going to school without Jungkook by his side.

He breathe in and looked back at Namjoon and Jimin who were signalling him "fighting." He smiled at them and went inside quickly.

"Did Jungkook arrive already?" Namjoon asked when he went back inside the car.

"He did. 15minutes ago. He already talked to the University owner. Our boys papers are all clear and he'll also be a University student with Jin. Gosh! How I miss those days. Do you think we can also get in like Jungkook?"

"Maybe. We can probably ask Mr. Kim. I would love to kiss a college boy." He said looking at some students getting in and out of the gate.

Jimin just rolled his eyes. "Pervert." He said to Namjoon.

"Well, let's see who is more pervert when Jungkook sees what Jin was wearing. You'll be dead before you know it." Namjoon said.

"He wouldn't know it's mine." Jimin said smirking.

"Let's go before Jungkook kills us both." Namjoon said wearing the seat belt.


Jin looked again at the map given to him. He isn't sure if he is following it correctly as the school is too big for him.

Students are also looking at him and he suddenly got conscious knowing what Jimin asked him to wear might have been too much. He suddenly hoped that Jungkook is there with him to help him find the place.

But he shook his head with the thought. "Seokjin, you can do this! You don't need Jungkook."

He tried to cover some tattered in his pants that were almost showing his inner thighs. He then realized that the seminar will be starting in 15mins so he had to run and look for the building but he suddenly bumped to someone and almost fell down, he had his eyes closed expecting for his body to get hurt but the person he bumped with catches him quickly and held his back so that he won't fall.

He wanted to open his eyes and quickly look but suddenly got shy because he got shy because of his clumsiness.

"Aish! Why'd you even have to be such a troublesome." The person said. Jin suddenly opened his eyes knowing the voice very well.

He confirmed it right away even before looking at his face when he saw the tattoos on his arms. His eyes widened in surprise and almost fell down again when he looked at the person.

"Kookie?!" He said in a loud tone and pushed him away, forgetting that he's still supporting him.

But instead of letting go, Jungkook pulled him up and closer to him.

Seokjin blushed when their faces got too close and he can already feel Jungkook's breath on his face. He can even smell his minty breath like a fresh candy chewed but he knows that this is the common smell of Jungkook.

"Why are you even wearing that outfit?" Jungkook asked whispering to Seokjin.

Seokjin suddenly remembered what he should do and pushed Jungkook harder. He looked away, as if snobbing him. "Why? I think I look cute." He said then looked at Jungkook. "Why are you even here? You didn't even say goodbye to me earlier. Are you here because you regret not saying goodbye?"

It was then that Seokjin also observed his outfit. Jungkook's wearing a skinny jeans and a black sweatshirt, with his sunglasses on. He looks like a cool college student, except that he's older.

"First of all, you look ridiculous in what you are wearing. Second, I am here as a student." Jungkook said.

Seokjin got irritated when he said he looks ridiculous and that's when he stopped oggling the other man. Jimin said he looks handsome and many boys will look at him but here's his Kookie saying otherwise. Then he remembered the second thing he said. His eyes grew wider when Jungkook said that.

"Wh-what? You're a student here?"

Jungkook nodded. "In fact, I am your classmate."

"M-my w-what? H-how? Y-you did not even take any exam."

"I pulled some strings. Your grandfather asked me to accom..." he was not able to finish what he was saying as Jin suddenly closed his mouth.

"Stop." He said in a whisper and looked at other students who are now looking at them. He pulled Jungkook to a place with lesser students. "Do not talk about my grandfather and in here we are just classmates. Is that clear?" He asked Jungkook.

"As you wish, Prince Jinnie." He said jokingly.

"I am Kim Seokjin! You call me Seokjin. I-I want to be a normal student here." Seokjin said looking down and playing with the ground.

"Okay." Jungkook said knowing Seokjin is getting sad.

"Okay." Seokjin also said. "Also, I like what I'm wearing, it's new but I think it looks nice." He said still looking down.

"We'll take care of it later. For now, let's go so you won't be late for your seminar." Jungkook said as he got serious again. He then typed something in his phone and Jin followed him as he is sure that Jungkook knows his way.

He got curious what Jungkook was typing but did not bother to look or ask Jungkook. He is sad that Jungkook thinks he looks ridiculous when he was happy when he looked himself at the mirror earlier. A silk dress shirt, with tattered pants is something he didn't know suits him.


"This is a nice place. Have you chosen your room?" Namjoon asked looking at the suite that Heechul chose for his grandson.

"I did." Jimin said. "I am sure the masters bedroom will be Jin's and the room beside is Jungkook's. I'll occupy the one at the corner. How about you?"

"I like the one here in the 1st floor." Namjoon answered.

They stoppef their tracks as their phones alerted them for a new message. Both of them looked at their phone and Jimin got paler as he read the message.

"You are so dead, Park Jimin." Namjoon said laughing at Jimin.

"Shit." He said in a whisper. "I'm sure he liked it, too, why does he have to be this rude?" He said.

Message from Jeon:
Whoever made Jin wear the tattered pants will be tortured tonight. I'll meet you both at the Kim's. Do not bother picking him up and bother more what will be happening in your life.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now