The Science Project

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The Science Project

Science had always been Valerie's favorite subject, so when the teacher announced to the whole class that they would be doing science fair projects, she was thrilled. At least, she was at first. But when she found out that she wasn't going to get to choose her partner, she wasn't nearly as thrilled. The teacher told the class that they didn't have to work with a partner, but Valerie had never done a science project without her best friend Hannah. The teacher asked everyone who wanted to work with a partner to raise their hands. Hannah was one of those people, but when the teacher assigned partners, Hannah got paired with Josie. Josie was the most popular girl in the class, and Valerie could easily guess why she wanted to have a partner for the project. Josie was not very good at Science, and she knew that she would get a better grade if someone else did the project for her. But Valerie, on the other hand, got partnered with Leah. Leah was pretty smart (She usually got A's in Science). She wore glasses, and she had had braces since third grade. She was probably the third or fourth person Valerie would have picked to be partners with. She didn't know Leah that well, but she did know that she was really interested in anything that had to do with science. That meant that Valerie would get to choose what they did their project on, and Leah would always say, "Oh, that is so interesting!" Leah motioned for Valerie to come over to her desk.

"So, let's decide what we're going to do our project on," Leah said. Now, come to think of it, Valerie didn't really have any ideas.

"Well, I don't really have any ideas." She said. "Let's get a piece of paper, then write down project names. After that, we can decide together which one is the best."

"Yes, let's do that," Leah replied. Leah went to go get a piece of paper. After about half an hour, here's what they had written.

* Pennies and Water Droplets


"Trying to think of project ideas is harder than I remember...." Valerie said.

"Yeah, I know right?" Replied Leah. "And what if all of our ideas that we think of are taken? Then what will we do?"

"Calm down, Leah," Valerie told her. "We're going to think of unique ideas, ones that nobody else could ever think of!" Pretty soon they had some more ideas. After another half hour, their list looked like this:

* Pennies and Water Droplets

* Our Solar System: The Planets and the Sun

* Oil and Water: Is it a good combination?

"Well, I guess that's progress." Leah said as they looked at the list. Then they noticed that the teacher was writing group names on the board. Each group was saying what they were doing their projects on. It turns out that Hannah and Josie were doing their project on planets, and Jacob was doing the oil and water one. When it was their turn, Leah had no choice but to tell the teacher they were doing the water droplets project.


At recess, Hannah came over to Valerie.

"Hey Val..." She said shyly.

"Hi," Valerie said.

"You know, I was really hoping we could be partners." Hannah told Valerie.

"Yeah, me too..." Valerie said.

"But you get to be partners with Leah," Hannah said. "She's really nice."

"Yeah." Valerie chuckled. "And you got partnered with Josie. I feel bad for you."

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