❣️부분 14🤫

185 10 4

*ring ring*

Hello Mrs. Jeon, Suzy here tae's mother - Suzy

Hello Suzy, I know, your number is saved on my phone. Also, how many times do I have to tell you that now we are going to be a family so call me by my name - hana

Sure hana, I will do that - suzy

Well everything is fine? you called me this late - hana

Oh ya everything is fine it's just that elder shayala is here and she wants to meet Jeon family - suzy

ELDER SHAYALA!! OMG finally she visited korea I can't believe it's been years - hana

Ya so you all are invited to our house tomorrow and the whole day you guys will spend with us. Actually she wanted to meet Park, Kim and Jung also but you know n they are out of town - suzy

Thankyou suzy we will definitely come and spend whole day with you guys. Ahh! I know but don't worry we will video call them - hana

sure, well I have to prepare lots of things you guys come sharply at 8 am and then we can start the day - suzy

Sure take care goodnight - hana

Goodnight - suzy

and with that suzy tell this to elder shayala and his husband that she informed jeon's and hwangs about the plan and the arriving time will be in the morning 8. Elder shalaya is happy and can't wait to meet his children.



Haechul, kids can you all come down for a moment - Hana shout from the living room

Sure mom, maa, honey - all other replied

*After few min*

What happen honey everything is alright? - haechul

Yes, everything is good just got a call from suzy and she told us to come tomorrow - hana

Suzy maa but why is tae fine? - kook

SUZY MAA!! - jimin teases him, other laugh and kook blush very hard

Oh you guys stop now, and yes kook tae is fine. Elder shayala is her and she wants to meet us all so that's why we are gonna spend whole day with them. so you guys cancel all your plans and work for one day - hana

but mom -- - yoongi

no but yoongi, it's really important for all of us. As you guys are just married on paper but not with believes and religions we have to do that and for that we have to meet elder - hana

Wow, finally I can't wait to meet elder after so long - haechul

Dad can you tell us more about her - Namjoon

Sure joon, well she is -- and like this both hana and haechul tell them about elder shayala achievemnets, liking and belifs.

*After a while*

Well now you all should go and sleep we have to get ready and have to reach before 8 cause she is very puntucal. Also, tops should wear krutas and bottom should wear sarees - hana

ok mom we will keep that in mind - jimin

okay everyone goodnight - haechul

Goodnight - everyone


Tae in italic, kook in bold

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