Chapter 4 - Southern Belle (Hobi)

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Southern Belle

"Hey, yahoo, sugar," someone called across the large concrete carpark and Yoongi's head popped up as other members and staff looked in the direction of where the voice was coming from. "I don't suppose anyone has a phone I could borrow to call a tow truck? My car has overheated and my phone is locked inside. I don't know where my head is these days but I'm like a fox in a hen house today and it's so hot out here."

The woman who appeared in front of them was most definitely from somewhere around here and here happened to be where they were filming in a small town in southern USA. Yoongi realised that this random woman wasn't in fact calling for him when a translator said it was a cute nickname that got used sometimes in parts of the States, kind of like sweetheart or honey, his shoulders relaxing. But all of them were fixated on her anyway, her clothes revealing in just the right way, the over the top expressions and volume so different from what they were used to back home. Apart from Hobi but he was often randomly loud and they were all used to that when it came from him.

"Ah, here is a phone," one of the local staff said, unlocking it and handing it over as she thanked him while the others set up under the many huge umbrellas protecting them all from the excessive heat. It was the middle of the day and the sun was oppressive overhead, beads of sweat gathering quickly even under the umbrellas.

She spoke rapidly into the phone, loudly and expressively, smiles of intrigue sent her way as some of the stylist noona got to work on the members who first needed to shoot in the music video they were filming for that afternoon. Walking over to hand back the phone, the woman dabbed at her forehead, accepting the offer to stand under the shade.

"Well, turns out my car is not the only one broken down today from the heat and they'll be a while," she said, hands going into her pockets and she rocked back and forth on the spot. "Good thing you guys were here or I'd already be a puddle on the floor. It's hotter than hell out here right now."

There were splutters of hidden laughter for those that could speak English and those that couldn't got the drift anyway or had it quickly translated under breaths tucked behind hands. They all found her amusing, Hobi watching as she dabbed at her face again, catching tiny droplets of perspiration that gathered there.

"Would you like water while you wait," he asked in slightly broken English, reaching for a bottle and handing it over

"Oh, thank you sugar, you're too sweet," she said, twisting the lid and pocketing it into the front pocket of her tight shorts as she tipped it back.

"Hobi," he said in a daze as she went to drink, "he's Suga," pointing Yoongi's way, Yoongi sending a straight smile in response as he raised his hand in acknowledgement. "I'm Hobi."

"OK sweet thing, whatever you say," she said and began to gulp it down as she walked out from under the cover, glancing down the road to see if her car was tucked securely off the highway. The last thing she needed on a day like this was a collision on top of everything else. Thank goodness these sweethearts were doing whatever they were doing here so she could cool off while she waited.

"What the fuck is happening," Jin asked, watching everything from a distance, far enough not to be obvious but close enough to see everything that made his eyes grow wide.

"I think she is going to drink it all in one go," Hobi replied in Korean, entranced at the spectacle that was boots, legs, short shorts, a barely there cropped singlet top and honey golden curls that fell around her shoulders, head currently tilted back as she drank down the incredibly large bottle of water.

"I can't look away," Jungkook added, transfixed as he watched the way her throat bobbed as she swallowed, mind somewhere else completely.

"You better, she's coming over to say hello," Tae said, a little more composed than the others, at least externally, as she walked back, handing a staff member the empty bottle, who seemed surprised but took it without too much blinking.

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