Chapter 1

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Right after the battle of Hogwarts

"Draco, what are we going to do?" Iris Malfoy whispered, her voice trembling as she looked around at the ruined Great Hall of Hogwarts. The battle was over, and the victors were rounding up the defeated Death Eaters. Iris and Draco were two of the unlucky ones. "I don't know, Iris," Draco replied, his eyes dark with fear. "But we have to do something. We can't let them take us." Iris nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She looked down at their five daughters, Alexis, Liliya, Serenity-Faith, Claire, and Valerie. The girls were huddled together, their eyes wide with fear. Iris's heart broke at the sight of them. She had to protect them. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps echoed through the hall. Iris and Draco looked up to see Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, and a group of Aurors approaching. Fudge's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he surveyed the scene. "Well, well, well," Fudge said, his voice dripping with contempt. "Look who we have here. The notorious Draco Malfoy and his traitorous wife, Iris." Iris felt a surge of anger at Fudge's words. She was no traitor. She had only been trying to protect her family. "You're going to pay for this, Fudge," Iris snarled. Fudge laughed. "Oh, I don't think so, my dear," he said. "You and your husband are going to Azkaban, and your children will be sent to an orphanage." Iris's eyes filled with tears. She couldn't bear the thought of being separated from her daughters. "Please," she said, her voice breaking. "Don't do this. We're innocent." Fudge's lips curled into a cruel smile. "Innocent? You helped Voldemort try to take over the wizarding world. You deserve to be punished." Iris was about to say something else when Draco grabbed her hand. "It's no use, Iris," he said. "We have to go." Iris nodded reluctantly. She turned to Pansy Parkinson, her best friend who was like a sister to her, and said, "Take care of them for me, Pansy." Pansy nodded, tears streaming down her face. "I will," she said. Iris took one last look at her daughters before she and Draco were led away by the Aurors. As she was being taken away, she placed a hand on her six-month-pregnant belly. She knew that she was going to Azkaban, but she had Cole in her stomach. She would protect him, no matter what. "Mommy!" Alexis screamed. Iris's heart broke as she was taken away. She knew that she might never see her daughters again. But she had to believe that they would be safe with Pansy.

At the trial

At the Ministry of Magic... "We are gathered here for the trial of 17-year-olds Iris and Draco Malfoy, who are married," Cornelius Fudge announced solemnly. "Iris is a former Mikaelson and is six months pregnant. Their five daughters, Alexis, Liliya, Serenity-Faith, Claire, and Valerie, remain in the care of Pansy Parkinson, who is present here with the girls." Iris and Draco stood side by side, their hands clasped tightly together. They both pleaded innocent, their eyes filled with determination. Fudge, however, seemed determined to send them to Azkaban. "They are accused of conspiring with Lord Voldemort and being Death Eaters," Fudge continued. "These are serious charges and if found guilty, they will be sentenced to life in Azkaban." The council looked at each other, their faces grave. They knew that the evidence against Iris and Draco was substantial but they also couldn't ignore the fact that they had five young daughters. "I object to sending Iris and Draco to Azkaban," said one council member. "They have five young daughters who need their parents." "I agree," said another. "This would be a cruel and unusual punishment." Fudge was furious but he knew that he could not overrule the council's decision. He reluctantly ordered for Iris and Draco to be released so that they could be a family with their five daughters and the son that was soon to be born. As they left the courtroom, Iris and Draco smiled at each other. They had been through a lot but they had come out stronger on the other side. They were grateful to the council for giving them a second chance. "We're going to be okay," Iris whispered. "I know," Draco replied. "We're a family now and nothing can break us apart." And so Iris, Draco, and their five daughters left the Ministry of Magic, hand in hand, ready to start a new chapter in their lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19 ⏰

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