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Heyy everyone! This page is going to be a bit different, so get ready and get excited!

(A whole 1,000 words more than last time.. yay!!😭)

The first little bit of this page is going to be from Carl's point of view, just so you guys know.😊

But remember, God has led this story and put the power and gift into my hands to write it, my mind to think it, my heart to put character and everything into it, and to give it my all. This isn't my work, it's His. So Glory to Him!! 🙌


                    -CARL'S POV-

The large gate that covered the first layer of their hidden community, was rolled away from the inside, leaving behind only one gate. The last gate had lines like the doors on prison cells, the man we were met with seemed to be a guard.

Everyone from our group had their weapons up, and ready for whatever may come.

"I would hand those over, if I were you. The woman who leads this place, wouldn't like that." The guard warned.

"I'm not leading my family into a gated territory, unarmed, so think again." Rick answered, standing his ground.

"Yeah, you heard'em, that isn't happenin'." Maggie muttered from within the crowd of people that consisted of our group.

I could feel the suspense rising inside of me, and my head starting to spin with anticipation along side my father's stubbornness.

I glanced at my surroundings, trees covering the sides of the steaming tar the road was made of, the sun shining brightly on everything and everyone, my sweat drenched my hair and I could feel it clogging at the tips. The only ounce of shade I had, was from the hat my dad gave me when I was little.

It covered my soaked brown locks, causing the edges of my hair to take a spikey form.

I held the one and only person who didn't know what I've been through, my baby sister. I hoped that one day when she was older, she wouldn't come to know me as the monster I feel like I am.

I mean, Bella doesn't really know, yet. She doesn't know what I've done, what I've seen.

If she did, would she still be able to look at me with that look in her eyes..? Or would she hate me? Would she never speak to me again?

I felt the tears wanting to push through the mask I held, I couldn't think about this right now. I had to be strong, for her.. for Judith.

For everyone. They all look to me as if I'm gonna be the next Rick Grimes.. though I don't think I could do it.

The doubts flooded my mind, as my eyes caught just a glimpse of a figure standing in the shadows of an abandoned and broken home, so I looked to see what it was, and found a girl who looked to be close to my age... Just standing there staring at me. Soon she disappeared, probably afraid to be caught, yet that's what made me curious.

I felt another pair of eyes on me, but these were those soft... Forgiving eyes that I couldn't seem to ever get bored of looking into. Bella's.

Did she see the girl, too?

I turned to meet her stare, offering an unsure smile to her, and receiving a mirrored version of it.

Aaron had talked the guard into letting us keep our weapons, trying to earn our trust even though it felt like once again, we were walking into a lions den that mascaraed as a bunny's burrow.

Faith In The Wild •CARL GRIMES• Where stories live. Discover now