An unexpected encounter and a missing phone

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Jake pov:
-in the shop-
While Daisy was ordering I heard some voices,

"I know how hard it is Hailey, maybe one day he will understand you love him" "I don't know. He seems pretty happy and I'm not the one to ruin a relationship Sean-" well you gotta tell him one day.." "I don't know..."

I turn around and see a blue haired girl sitting next to Sean, "hm I wonder who they were talking about..." I think to my self

"hey!" Daisy says sitting with me "ooo I think that's Hailey and Sean! Let's go say hi!" Daisy says pulling me up "w-what- okay-" I say caught off guard.

"Hey guys!" Daisy says walking up to Hailey and Sean with me following behind "oh! Hi Daisy!" Hailey and Sean says happily "oh, hi Jake." Hailey says looking at me before quickly looking away "hi Jake!" Sean says as me and Daisy sit down.

Sean and Hailey were originally siting across each other so I sat next to Hailey while Daisy sat next to Sean.

"Hey hails! Feeling better?" I say Turning to Hailey "o-oh! Um yeah haha-" she says awkwardly. "What are u doing here?" I ask "oh uh...nothing much just hanging out with Sean and chatting you know?" She says fidgeting with her sleeves

"Ooo what were you chatting about?" I ask again "uhhh just random things haha-" she says before starting a new topic.

Daisy pov:
"Hey Sean!" I say smiling sitting down "hey daisy!" He says shuffling over a little "how are you!" I ask "I'm fine haha" he says "that's good!" I say putting my hands in my pocket trying to find something "are you okay?" He asks "yeah! Uhh I think I left my phone somewhere..oh no.." I say starting to panic "hey! Its okay uh let me call it..." he says clicking on his phone ... "nothing?" He asks worried i shake my head "where do you remember It last?" He asks "u-uh I don't remember!" I say starting to cry "daisy! Hey are you okay!" Jake asks worried i shake my head "she thinks she lost her phone.." Sean says with a worried expression "oh no!" Jake says "uhhh how about I go help you find it!" Sean asks "o-oh okay!" I say getting up "want me to come?" Jake asks worried "its okay!" I say starting to walk out with Sean. Jake does an understanding nod with a small smile.

"Ok uh.. when did you have it last?" Sean asks "uh... I had it on my way here because I was showing Jake a" I say pacing "oh okay so it's not still at your house.." he says thinking "okay did you guys stop anywhere or anything like that?" He asks "um..oh! We stopped down at the park a few roads down! Jake had to tie his shoelace so we stoped for a second" I say starting to walk down the path "oh okay! Great let's head there!" He says catching up to me.

-at the park-

"OMG I SEE IT!" I screaming running up to the bench table "phew..I'm glad you found it!" He says laughing "haha yeah!" I say clicking into my phone

"Ding!" Sean's phone rings "oh hold up lemme see who this is from" he says checking the notification "oh it's Jake! He said that him and Hailey are heading to mini golf and too meet them there if we wanted to join" "oh okay!" I say "so do you wanna go?" Sean asks "..uh not exactly.." I say frowning

"Oh that's okay! What would you like to do instead? Or are you just gonna head home?" He asks "if I'm being honest I don't like mini wanna go to my house and hang for a bit?" I ask

"Oh! Okay sure I'll ask Jake if that's fine" Sean says texting in his phone "what do you mean ask?" I ask confused "oh- well I mean your his girlfriend and stuff and you were going to hang out with him originally" Sean says "oh! No I'm sure it's okay!"

"We are just friends you know?" I say laughing

"Oh...yeah right haha." Sean says with a small frown.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16 ⏰

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