3. "Im Erika."

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LUKE HELPED PERCY find out about what Percy's actually good at, Unfortunately, He failed. In almost every single one of them.

"Is there a Greek god of disappointment?" Percy asked as Luke and Chris were eating. "Maybe someone should ask him if he's missing a kid."

"Oizys... but she's a goddess." Chris responded. "And her whole thing isn't really disappointment. It's more like failure."

"We're gonna find the thing you're good at. I know it." Luke responded, looking at Percy as he reassured him. Suddenly, the bell chimed as Luke and Chris looked around. "Our turn."

"Our turn for what?" Percy asked, looking as the two boys got up.

"Burnt offerings." Chris said.

"The gods like the smell, so it gets their attention before you say a prayer." Luke added.

"They like the smell of burnt mac & cheese?" Percy asked, confused about this whole thing.

"They like the smell of begging." Chris said before he chuckled and walked off.

"You'll burn what you'll miss the most." Luke added, looking at the confused blondie. "Then they'll know you really mean what you're about to say, so they listen." And then, he walked off.

After a few hours, Percy had fire in a can as he took some of the blue m&m and offered it to the fire, letting it burn before he began speaking, "Hi mom. I don't know if I'm doing this right, I hope you can hear me. I think you used to hate this. When the phone would ring, the night left me at a new school. I'd tell you that the people are awful. That I wanted to come home. Well... the good news is... this isn't that call. I hope you're sitting down, but... I think.. I've made some friends here. Like, real friends. I think they might really like me. Imagine that."

"He isn't here. I mean, ignoring me is one thing, but he doesn't get to ignore you. I'm gonna make him come down here. I'm gonna make him see me. I'm gonna make him see us both." Percy added as his daddy issues were pretty similar to most unclaimed kids.

Percy just came back from talking to his mother, and that's when Clarisse and her minions who stood silent when Percy said, "Hey guys. Can't sleep, huh?"

Clarisse and her minions threw Percy in the bathrooms, As Clarisse spoke, "Every new kid shows up here and think they're special. Do you think you're special?"

"No." Percy said as he was on the ground, looking up at the girl. Clarisse's minions looked at each other before they grabbed Percy's arms.

"Tell me you made it all up about the Minotaur, and I'll let you go." Clarisse said, being her usual aggressive self.

"I didn't make anything up." The blondie responded as her minions had a tight grip on him. Clarisse's minions soon tried to shove his head down to the toilets.

"Some kids gotta learn the hard way." Clarisse said as she watched her minions try to push his head inside of the toilets. Suddenly, the water disappeared before it broke the stall and splashed everyone, except Percy, of course. Clarisse stared at him before she ran off, Percy wasn't wet from the disgusting water at all. He slowly stood up and looked around before noticing the same a girl standing against the doorframe, her dark brown hair tied into a braid as she had the same features as the brunette girl did who was hanging out with Clarisse earlier, the same girl who had a little sword pendant around her neck. "Damn. You're cooler than I thought." She mumbled, looking around.

"I can explain." Percy said, looking at the girl who was his height.

The brunette cleared her throat before she spoke in a calm voice, "No, you can't."

୨⎯ The Daughter of Ares ⎯ ୧ ☾P. JACKSON x FEM OC☽Where stories live. Discover now