heart to heart

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i can't escape the percabeth brainrot in any way whatsoever besides writing little one-shots lately. i also like to add spotify links to my stories that i feel would add to the whole "ambiance". today's is "Real Love Baby" by Father John Misty. (https://open.spotify.com/track/0Z57YWES04xGh3AImDz6Qr?si=Hal2zhj1QCGwqEOUfZVSdw&context=spotify%3Aplaylist%3A3xgJNklonVeYXx5D5MO8ub )

so enjoy and empathize with my percabeth pain!


"I hate snow"

Annabeth shuffled along the path, fidgeting and adjusting her scarf repeatedly as it slid down her shoulders. She hated the snow. The unpredictability of the icy paths, her hands and feet being all but useless, the fog obstructing her sight, etc. it was her weakness.

"Come on, it's not that bad. Besides, you look cute in earmuffs."

Percy trudged beside Annabeth, his arm securely fastened under hers to keep her upright as they walked. He loved the snow. The way it blanketed the buildings, the snowball fights, the way it irritated Annabeth, etc. it was one of his many, many strengths.

"And you forget, water is kinda my thing." He shrugged.

"So you can make this all disappear? I knew if I kept you around you'd be useful one day." Annabeth smirked up at him.

Percy feigned shock "Oh I see how it is!"
He flexed his had in his coat pocket, a small flurry of snow rising from the ground and flying into Annabeth's face.

"Oh you're SO going to pay for that Seaweed Brain!" Annabeth yelled as Percy abandoned his post as escort to run towards a nearby snowbank.

Annabeth scowled, adjusting her problematic scarf one more time before attempting to run through the snow, removing her gloves and scooping up ammo as she made her way towards Percy.

"Alright Percy you can't hide forever; I know you can't go the next hour without dinner or you're going to eat yourself alive."
She heard a familiar muffled laugh drifting out from behind a nearby tree. Annabeth crept quietly, (well, as quietly as she could in four layers of coats and sweaters), towards the large pine, carefully crafting the snowball in her hands.

"Ha!" She shouted triumphantly, hurling the snowball behind the tree as she jumped towards her target... or at least its previous hiding place.

"Gods Percy, since when were you EVER this quiet?" Annabeth muttered to herself as she gathered another bundle of snow in her hands, creeping along the line of ice covered pine trees in the park.

Annabeth felt the panic begin to rise in her stomach, burning the back of her throat. She'd been wandering for only five minutes, but that was more than enough time to put her on high alert. When you're a demigod, a LOT can happen in five minutes, and usually, it's not good.

"Ok Percy, it's not funny anymore!" She called out around the trees, her teeth chattering against each other as she spoke.

Annabeth felt a hand suddenly cover her eyes, her instincts immediately kicking in as she jabbed her elbow backwards, shooting the attacker onto the icy ground.

"Gods Annabeth-" Percy groaned, holding his stomach and pushing himself up on his elbow.
"Oh my gods!" Annabeth exclaimed, trying to hold back a laugh.

"You know what, that's my own fault for trying to surprise you" Percy whined as Annabeth pulled him off the ground, holding onto a nearby trunk for support.

"Surprise me?" Annabeth asked, raising an eyebrow, the hint of a smile pulled at the ends of her lips.

Percy lifted a gloved hand, tilting her chin away from him and towards the nearby clearing.

"Oh. My. Gods." Annabeth stood with her mouth agape, staring in awe at the impossibly accurate complex of child-sized ice buildings that surrounded the blanketed field. The Empire State Building, the Parthenon, the Gateway Arch, a small scale New Rome, and best of all, a miniature Camp Half Blood.

Percy beamed beside her, clearly beyond proud of himself. However, his eyes betrayed his pride and desperately waited for Annabeth's stamp of approval.

"Percy how'd you even-"

"I figured if I could control water, why not try ice?" Percy shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets and looking out at the sculptures. "I mean- it's probably not up to scale or anything, and I must've redone the Hermes cabin a thousand times so it's probably not structurally sound or anything- plus the Empire State building is the same size as the Arch, so that can't be right-"

Percy trailed off as Annabeth reach into his pocket, grabbing his gloved hand in hers and boosting herself up on her toes to kiss him.
"It's perfect."

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