Chapter 1

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Betty was born as a healthy newborn baby with the perfect caregivers, her mother and her father.

Betty's mom cradles Betty in her arms, looking down at her newborn baby. "She's little Betty"

"You did so well hon!" Betty's father said, sitting beside her and grazing at little Betty.

"My body hurts like hell though, can you hold her for a bit?" Betty's mother passes Betty into her fathers arms, then laying back down and sighing.

Betty's father smiles down at little Betty. Happy that he finally had a family for his own. After being in the hospital for weeks, Betty arrived at the place she could call home. A small house surrounded with trees in the country side.

The first few weeks of having Betty and taking care of her was awful. She was needy, always crying, always being constantly fed. Even her mom questioned if the 9 months were worth it. Though, through tough times, there will always be hope.

Years passed and Betty was 5. She was home schooled and didn't talk to other kids often. Her parents encouraged her. Bringing her to parks, beaches, playgrounds, and more. Yet Betty always kept to herself, avoiding the kids even when she's meant to play with them. Maybe she's just a shy and quiet girl, her parents thought.

During her life as a 5 year old, she mostly drew. She drew the world around her, important people, herself. Nothing out of the ordinary. Until when she was 6, her baby sister Cassidy was born. Every picture she drew had to have Cassidy in it. Cassidy was her first friend in the world, her sister as well but Betty didn't see it that way.

"Cassidy, Cassidy! Do you like this picture I made of you?!" Betty came running to Cassidy who was in her mothers arms. Betty's high pitch voice rings in Cassidy's ears, making her start to whine. Betty's mother shushes the baby and turns to Betty

"No need for all that noise Betty, take it somewhere else." Her mother demanded, and Betty complied. She did take it else where, to her room. Betty felt upset, she didn't want Cassidy to cry she wanted her to be happy

"If Cassidy doesn't like my picture. Then I won't do anymore!" Betty tears the picture apart. She believed that Cassidy didn't like pictures, so she won't make anymore so Cassidy can be happy.

<<end of chapter 1>>

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