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" A lie.

It's so beautiful.

It's so giving.

The perfect cover.

It is a shield that can prolong the amount of time it takes to discover your ugliness.

Your ugly words.

Your ugly actions.

Your ugly wits.

A lie.

The trouble that can cost one's respect.

One's joy.

One's life.

That one lie.

One lie can separate two people, a family, or even a country.

The trust of so many people can be tarnished by one facade that you keep for years.

A facade that you built as a guard.

That even after death, your facade doesn't get undone.

It's so powerful.

It's so omnipresent.

Have you ever kept that good of a facade?

He did.

He kept a facade.

A facade that was kept from everyone.

Even from his wife.

Even from his daughter.

What face could I show to tell them who he was? 

What words could I have used to lie for him?

How could I just say it?

What he had done? 

What he can never take back?

What face could I show to tell them that he made a deal with the Devil?

How can I tell them that he sold his soul to darkness? 

To the worst possible person?

How can I tell them he was not the saint he was said to be?

That courage, the courage to say the truth never graced me.

And that is my biggest regret.

As I live in fear every day.

Waiting for his consequences to fall upon us all.

Waiting for the Devil to find us.

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