"How are you jot nervous about living with people that we don't even know? I mean I get that Katherine was moms best friend but we have never met her or all of her kids" I asked Jackie as she is getting ready for bed. She doesn't say anything just ignores me which she's been doing a lot lately especially since mom, dad and Lucy died. I can't believe it's been 6 months it feels like it was just yesterday. Jackie finally finished in the bathroom and snaps me out of my thoughts. "I am nervous Chelsea I'm just trying to stay calm and just go with it cause we have no other option this is what mom and dad wanted so we have to go" I just looked down in my lap. I hate this I don't want to be leaving new York. It feels wrong to leave but I can't do anything about it. "Chels you should probably get some sleep we have to be up early to catch our flight" I nod and lay down. I tossed and turned all night. It was so hard to fall asleep but finally I did. It felt like for a few minutes before the alarm went off. Jackie and I got up got our stuff and headed to the airport. I always hated flying so I put my earbuds on and just followed Jackie. Once we bored I fell asleep cause I didn't sleep before.

*4 hours later*

We finally landed in Colorado. Jackie and I got all our bags and headed to find Katherine and George. "Jackie! Chelsea! Over here" I hear a female voice say. I look and see Katherine, George and I am assuming one of the children. "Hey I am so glad you guys made it safely. Gosh you girls have grown up gorgeous." Katherine exclaimed. Me and Jackie smiled and nodded. I wasn't all that  focused on Katherine. I was in my head thinking about everything like I always am. "I'm sorry girls this is George my husband and this is my second oldest Cole" Katherine said snapping me out of my head. "Hi it's nice to meet you guys" I said not realizing I actually talked.  It through me and Jackie both off but we just ignored it and didn't draw attention to it. "Cole grab Chelsea's bags I got Jackie's. Let's get these girls home I'm sure there tired" Cole comes up behind me taking the cart with my bags on it and gently sliding me to the side with his hand. I walked alongside Cole with Jackie and Katherine in front talking and George trailing behind us with Jackie's bags. "So new York?" Cole asks. "Yeah" I simply said clearly not really wanting to talk but feeling like I have to. "You don't look like a new Yorker no offense" I giggle at his comment. "none taken I've been told that my whole life. Truth is I never felt like I belonged in new York." He smiled and nodded. "well your in Colorado now and this place I think you'll fit in more" I smiled as we reach the car. The boys pack all the bags up while we all pile in. The whole way to the house me and jackie stared out the window. Jackie cause she didn't want to be here and me because it was so beautiful out here. Cole had his earbuds in listening to music. Once we reached the house chaos started and I felt so uncomfortable but comfortable with it at the same time

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07 ⏰

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