Love you 💕✨ - 1

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*At college
Jeshu - excuse me sir?😄

Professor - yeah come in....

Jeshu - I'm a new admission to the cse department sir.

Professor - oh yeah I got the notice in morning .... Students listen she's your New classmate all need to provide her notes of the previous classes.....

Students - yes sir!

(She sat on her bench and listened to the class)

*Class finished

Deepthi - so it's been a long time.....😁

Jeshu - yeah Deepthi!! How are you?😃

(Other students are confused)

Vrithi -Hey what's going on here? Do you guys know each other before???

*Deepthi and Jeshu smiled🤭

Deepthi - we both are school friends and also she's my competitor....

Vrithi - wow! Hiii Jeshuu, I'm vrithi.....

Jeshu - Hiii vrithi.... Deepthi always talks about you.....

Vrithi - yeah she will... Because I'm the only friend who she'll talk.....and I'll tell you one secret....Deepthi is the College beauty🤭 that's how our department boys talks

Jeshu - whatt? Deepthi why you didn't told me about this??

Deepthi - it's not a big deal leave it.... I'll tell you everything afterwards....🙂

Aadhi - Hii Jeshu.... I'm aadhi class representative....if you have any doubt about notes means you can ask me....are you and Deepthi friends???

Jeshu - yeah we are...

Deepthi - I'll give my notes to Jeshu aadhi.....😊

Aadhi - okay Deepthi you take care of it....

Some other boys - so she's our College beauty friend😮....but she's not that beautiful....even though her face is irritating.....

Another boy - yeah ofcourse you'll get irritated because she's very close to Deepthi right😂 .... You'll get irritated only...

( The day filled with laughter between three gossip girls)

*The next day at college

Vrithi - Hii Jeshu.....hii Deepthi🤩

(Deepthi and Jeshu just smiled and got back to their seats)

Vrithi - heyy Jeshu this is my boyfriend.....Vignesh!!😆

Jeshu - 😲Hiii Vignesh....I'm jeshuu vrithi's new classmate and friend .....

Vignesh - yeah she told me about you....glad to meet you Jeshuu....I'm at class C in the same cse department....

Jeshu -  nice to meet you Vignesh😊....

Vignesh - okay guys I'm leaving byee....

*Vignesh leaved

Deepthi - hey Jeshu.... Today we have computer lab classes..... Did you finish the notes???

Jeshu - I finished Deepthi.... I'll give your notes at the lab....

*Professor arrived

(After a few hours class finished)

Aadhi - friends mam asked us to come to the lab....hurry up and come guys...

(All went to the lab and did their work)

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