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Third person pov

"Tae still how long will it take to reach there?" Jimin asked,

"Few hours jimin, if you want you can take a short nap till then" taehyung said while driving. Jimin nodded and closed his eyes to take short slumber.

Taehyung chuckled at the omega before concentrating on driving.

Time skip:-

"Jimin we are here" taehyung called softly. Jimin slowly opened his eyes and met with his favourite pair of orbs.

"Are we here?"

"Yes we are, come on let's go" the Alpha said before getting out the car followed by the omega. They walked towards the mountain's peak where jimin was talking photos on that day.

"We are here tae, this is the exact place where jungkook pushed me off. From here only he pushed me and that time i threw my phone this way. So let's search in this direction" jimin explained, taehyung felt his blood boiling at the imagination of the omega's condition on that day. They started to search for the phone on the wide grassy land.

An hour later....

"What they are doing?"

"They are currently searching for something boss but I don't know what it is exactly" an unknown man conversed in the phone while eyeing the couple.

"Okay don't avert your gaze from them even for a second. You should spy their each and every move and should infrom me everything"

"Sure boss"


"Jimin we are searching for almost an hour I don't think your phone would be here. Now it would have gotten in the hands of some mountaineers or some tribals." Taehyung said triedly as they were searching for the phone for past 1 hour but no gain.

"Taehyung I don't know why but my wolf instinct is saying that the phone must be here somewhere. let's search properly please tae, this the last hope I have, please understand " jimin said.

"I understand you Minnie. Sorry come on let's search" with that again they started to search for phone being unaware of a pair of watching them.

When jimin was eyeing the grassy surface sharply his eagle eyes spotted something under the grasses. Jimin immediately couched down and pushed the grasses aside to get a clear view of it and there he found his phone.

"Tae!!!!" Jimin shouted

Taehyung snapped his head towards his direction before running to his way.

"What happened jimin?"

"See here I found my phone" jimin getting up with beaming eyes.

"Omg jimin superb... Thank god " taehyung said and pulled jimin into a hug.

"Now jungkook's game is over" he said pulled back, jimin nodded smilling widely reaching his eyes, his famous eyesmile which raised the alpha heartbeats.

"Come on let's go" with that they walked out from that place.

"Jimin you wait here let me go and get the car here " taehyung said and walked away. Jimin was continuously trying to turn on the phone but failed, he expected it but also a small faith, his phone was cracked severely. It has numerous scratches on the display screen. When jimin was immersed in inspecting his phone suddenly someone snacthed it from him and ran away.

"HEEYYYY!!!! YOU!!! STOP THERE!" jimin yelled and ran behind him. The man was running fast but jimin is faster.

"GIVE MY PHONE BACK YOU!!! BLOOD FUCKER!!!" jimin didn't miss the man's sight and ran behind him with the equal pace.

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