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Ever since the beginning of time, the Giovanni's and  The Russo's were the wealthiest and strongest conjoined empire

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Ever since the beginning of time, the Giovanni's and  The Russo's were the wealthiest and strongest conjoined empire.

The Giovanni's being the most powerful Italian Empire, And the The Russo's being the most powerful Russian Empire.

Both together, were unbeatable. indestructible. Their Empire that they built was the most ruthless and dangerous one —one that was feared across the continents.


Chaos struck.
Everything and Everyone came crashing down.

These two families were very close, the bestest of friends even, all the kids in the conjoined Mafia who were with the Russo's and Giovanni's had a private school built just for them.

The three most important crown children were:

Morana Diaz Giovanni

Angelo Diaz Giovanni

Adrias ford Russo.

They were the crown children, the one's that were to lead this strong conjoined empire one day.

They were the bestest of friends which thought of each other as family, more being Angelo and Adrias who were together at every moment and didn't leave each others sides—the two were unseperable. some even said attached to hip.

As fragile, small quiet, innocent Morana used to watch them as she painted and coloured with the richest paints and the finest brushes brought from across the land.

Everything was perfect.

They were often send to train together, small trainings that showed them how to fight properly and train to be stronger and more tactical by professionals brought from all parts of the world.

It was the best of the best fighters who taught them, Morana was often scared, not used to all the violence but managed to do so anyways.

Morana had a two year gap from Adrias,

And Angelo being the oldest, five years from Morana and Three from Adrias.

They all got along pretty well, Angelo and Adrias were rebels, micheifs. Ones who never followed the rules and rebeled against the tutors that taught in the private school.

Morana on the other hand, was peaceful, and not a troublemaker. she hated trouble and all of the drama that came with. She thought of it as irrelevant and was often put together and distant had her head in a book every five minutes she got to spare when she wasn't studying or training.

She had exceeding grades, perfect scores in every test she did and she was incredible at everything she did, including Dance, boxing, ballet and many other activities.

One thing she wasn't was, 'attractive'.

As a child she was often neglected due to having two different coloured eyes which every one thought as of a form of curse, people whispered and chattered about how she was sent as a sin from the devil himself. And how the eyes symbolised her belonging to the devil.

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