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I ended up catching back up to the guys, and they apparently hadn't even realized that I'd stopped. When we reached the mall, I felt myself get a little queasy. The mall.

We all had to actually lock up our bikes because of the amount of people that were around, but once we had done that, we were worry free and could go along with the day like normal.

Of course, it being lunch time, Taehyun begged for us to stop to get food first. We all agreed, though I surely wasn't hungry.

Kai and I found a table to sit at while the other 3 guys went to go get something to eat. The mall, the food court alone, was super busy. Which kind of surprised me because from what I'd known, the town we lived in wasn't too big. I mean, then again, people probably came from outside of town and from the suburbs because it's a nice big mall to shop at, but I kind of thought malls died out.

Guess I was wrong. Wouldn't be the first time I was wrong about something. But I kind of liked being wrong.

"Kai, Aera told me something the other day, and I just wanted to ask you about it." I don't think I was really thinking properly about what I was actually saying, but nobody cared if I made myself look or sound like an idiot any more than I did, and I surely didn't care.

Kai raised an eyebrow as he leaned back in his chair, "What was it?"

"She said you don't eat." It sounded way more intense than it should've, but maybe the intensity of my words would've made him much more willing to actually speak to me about it.

His face went soft as his arms fell from the table into his lap. His eyes dropped down to his lap too, avoiding all eye contact with me. I knew I'd pushed some kind of button inside of his head, and I wasn't sure if I should've felt bad or not.

"It's been this way for a long time. I just don't eat. I'm hardly ever hungry." The way his carefree, joking attitude turned into a much more watered down, depressed look, I felt bad for even bringing up the topic.

He didn't give me much more intel than Aera had given me, but hearing him say it face to face did make some kind of a difference I think. He seemed much more saddened by his inability to eat a normal amount of food like the rest of us.

"Are you not gonna eat anything right now?"

He shook his head and lifted his head to rub his temple. I felt really bad to see him like this.

"Are you?" He asked me right after. If I could say yes I'd say yes. But I felt a little queasy and sick. I just wanted some kind of peace and solace.

I rubbed the top of my head, "Nope."

"And why not?"

"I don't think it'd settle well."

"You sick?"

I shrugged as my eyes wandered to see the guys standing in line at some dumb fast food joint. Taehyun was hanging all over Yeonjun which made me giggle a little at the sight of the two of them, like little kids following the leader, AKA Soobin.

It wasn't the easiest thing for me, being sick that is. I had a huge fear of throwing up so I absolutely despised getting sick to that level. I hated coughing and sneezing and having a runny nose. But I wasn't a germaphobe.

As I watched the guys step up to the counter to order, the 2 childish ones making Soobin order for them as they whispered what they wanted into his ear, I became super groggy. I leaned forward and crossed my arms on the table so I could lay my head down.

Laying there with my head down, I took a deep breath. Listening to the hustle and bustle of the mall made my headache just that much worse.

Soon enough, I heard the chatter of the guys as they got closer. Then the sound of a tray hitting the table as their chairs scooted out for them to sit. I still couldn't bring myself to lift my head though.

Lights Are Missing : beomjun/yeongyu ‼️Where stories live. Discover now