The Interview

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AN: I recently fell down the rabbit hole of some LSK theories and spent more time than I would like to admit reading them. While I still believe the idea of Karlie and Taylor being together/having kids is extremely unlikely (no hate to you LSKs out there, it's a fun theory! I just personally believe Tay is most likely bi, and she and Karlie aren't anything anymore), I starting thinking about how absolutely wild it would be in a world where it was true, and they really were still together and started a family, SO I decided to write a one-part story about how they would explain it to the world in a sit-down interview environment, featuring the one and only Oprah!

As always, this is completely fictional. I don't believe any of these events or statements to be true or accurate.

Let me know what you think in the comments and if you like these one-shot longer stories! It was fun to write!


August 1, 2025

Watch Hill, RI

"Hi," Taylor breathes out shakily as she opens the front door, "I'm Taylor. Please, come in."

She steps out of the doorway, allowing the expected guests access to her oceanfront home.

"Taylor," a strong hand reaches out, grasping her slightly trembling one in a firm grip. "Becca. It's nice to finally meet you in person."

"You as well," Taylor returns, her voice unsteady. Though Taylor's stature exceeds the woman in front of her, something about her demeanor comes off as intimidating. It could be the intense, green eyes staring directly into hers. Maybe it's the confidence radiating from every pore of her tanned skin, or her perfectly styled brunette hair that framed a face that was undeniably beautiful.

But the most likely scenario is obvious. It's the reason that Becca is here, in her home, standing in her foyer. It is all to release Taylor's biggest secret into the world.

"The guys are going to set up. Where would you like to do it? We want to be ready to roll once O gets here," Becca states as a dozen men with lighting equipment, microphones, and cameras pile into the hallway.

"Oh," Taylor stammers. As much as she has tried to prepare herself for this day, the nerves are still hammering at her like a dam about to burst. "Um, we can go in the living room. Or outside? It's nice out today. I don't know how that will be for the lighting, though."

Becca nods and walks toward the back of the house, stopping at the sliding door leading to the porch overlooking the Atlantic. Taylor remains still, momentarily, awestruck at the woman's audaciousness, unphased, venturing deeper into the biggest pop star in the world's home as if they were old friends.

With a slight shake of her head, Taylor unfreezes, following Becca's footsteps to the door. The salty breeze slaps them in the face as Becca slides it open, and they step out onto the sun-drenched deck.

"We'll do it here," Becca states, her eyes looking out to the vast sea. "Quite a view you have," she says with a raise of her eyebrows. "Couldn't be more perfect, wouldn't you agree? The sun, the sea, the raw truth - what could be more fitting?"

Taylor hesitates, not just physically, but emotionally. Her mind screams at her to run, to hide. It tells her to send all of these people away, to cancel the whole thing.

"Tay?" she hears called from behind. She quickly turns, her eyes locking with Karlie's. She steps out onto the deck, wrapping an arm loosely around Taylor's waist, a wave of relief instantly washing over her.

"You must be Karlie," Becca says, stepping toward her with a hand extended.

"Hi, yes," Karlie says as she returns the shake. "And you are...," she drags out the final word, her eyes glancing to Taylor for an introduction.

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