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I'm sitting here on the wooden floor, waiting. 

Waiting, for you.

Waiting for you to come back.

For you to be in my arms again.

Your warm embrace.

I'm missing : 

Those sparks that fly when our lips collide.

The glisten in your eyes when we pull apart.

The way our hands fit in each other's, perfectly - my giant ones with your delicate little ones.

The feeling you give me when you smile, like all the weight on my shoulders are gone.

The way we sway our arms together when we walk together.

The way we cuddle each other when we sleep.

The times where you would laugh out loud to my terrible jokes.

The excitement when I won you a teddy bear at the amusement park.

The tears you would cry when we watched "The Notebook" together.

The little shrieks you would do when we watched scary movies together.

The urge you would always have to visit every single pet store so that you could pet all the animals there.

The way you get really hyper from eating too many sweets and you would go around the whole house naming animals that were really cute.

The amount of times you would try to scare me but failed so I pretended to be frightened when you did.

The time I confessed my love to you.

The time I asked you to be my girlfriend. The time you said yes.

The time where I made sure I got everyone's attention so that I could ask you out on a date in the middle of the cafeteria and you said yes.

The first time I met your parents. 

The first time I held your hand.

The first time I said that I loved someone.

The first time we kissed.

The first night I actually drove home genuinely happy.

The first time I fell in love.

The first time I found out what love felt like.

The first time I wanted to never ever wanted to let someone go.

The first time I cried - when you left.

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