Imagine :
You Had A Horrible Day . Your Best Friend Justin Didn't Come To School. You Guys Are More On The Popular Side . Your Super Pretty. So The Guts Are Pigs When It Comes To You. This Guy He Followed You Into The Bathroom And Forcefully Touched You. You Plopped On The Couch and Grabbed Your Laptop and Logged Onto Facebook. You Looked Through Your New Messages . 'My Bed Is Free Tonight c;' You Decided To Reply. 'No Thank You..(:' . 'Worst Day EVER!' You Posted. Justin Commented 'I Have Chocolate I'm On My Way' You Liked His Comment. 'Ok :c Hurry Best Friend' you shut your laptop changed into sweats and a tight tank top then put your hair in a messy bun and also took your make up off. 'Diiiiingg Dooong' You Opened The Door To A Breathless Justin.
"Why Are You Out Of Breath" You Asked.
"You Said Hurry.." He Replied.
"You Didn't Have To Run." you say hugging him . he dropped the chocolates and hugged you back. You Felt Tears Swell Up In Your Eyes. You Let Them Drop. Justin Pulled Away And Looked At You. He Wiped Some Of Your Tears Away.
"Tell Me What's Wrong?" He Demanded.
"Johnny Gardener Followed Me Into The Bathroom and Touched Me.." You Say Letting More Tears Fall. You Could See The Anger In His Face Then In Turned To Sorrow. He Hugged You Tight .
" (yn) I Have To Tell You Something." Justin said.
you wiped your tears.
"what?" you ask.
"I Love You ." He Grabbed you pulled you onto his lap and kissed you .